Jon Stewart v. Jim Cramer

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The Daily Show is biased. Of course it is, it's a Comedy show. It's going to gravatate to whatever is funny. The day you start looking to a comedy show for an unbiased news is the day you should hang it up.

(This also highlights even more barman's comment about it being sad that the only people asking the tough questions is on a comedy show)

I used to love Cramers show not because of his advice, but because it was damn entertaining.

If you carefully listen between his sound effects and screaming he actually had some good tips.

Jon definately had upper hand full of video clips and talking points, I would love to see Jon go on Cramers show just to see what CNBC can come up with.
Regarding Cramer's show: Nobody calls a top like Cramer. I knew guys that would daytrade off the show itself. They would quickly short the stock the next day and bank on the down side as the sheeple's buying frenzy would die off.
Made 3-5% per day.
I used to love Cramers show not because of his advice, but because it was damn entertaining.

If you carefully listen between his sound effects and screaming he actually had some good tips.

Jon definately had upper hand full of video clips and talking points, I would love to see Jon go on Cramers show just to see what CNBC can come up with.

As great as it was - watching Cramer get beat down verbally and emotionally, I highly doubt Stewart would have the balls to go on CNBC for shit.

It's a little harder to come up with quick responses when you're being verbally jumped by an entire show, including the audience. I think he knew he was going to get beat down...

...but not quite like that :ugone2far:
As great as it was - watching Cramer get beat down verbally and emotionally, I highly doubt Stewart would have the balls to go on CNBC for shit.

It's a little harder to come up with quick responses when you're being verbally jumped by an entire show, including the audience. I think he knew he was going to get beat down...

...but not quite like that :ugone2far:

Not true. Jon Stewart went on Crossfire on CNN on Tucker Carlson's show and fucking owned him. Tucker lost his show shortly thereafter...
Jon Stewart's a smart guy (IMO all the really witty comedians are pretty smart cause teh witz=teh smartz) He would do just dandy on CNBC or any other live broadcast.
This unedited version shines some light. Stewart admits they're not fair, which is cool.

This whole thing shows(cramer going from show to show on NBC's network of networks) that the NBC family has really become a clan of douchebags.

[ame=""]YouTube - Jon Stewart vs. Jim Cramer: The Unedited Extended Daily Show Interview 3/12/2009 Part 3[/ame]
Its funny, Cramer is like "Don't you want guys like me to expose these guys?" Trying to save his ass, and rep, by outing others. Haha!
Its funny, Cramer is like "Don't you want guys like me to expose these guys?" Trying to save his ass, and rep, by outing others. Haha!
In a moral society, people like Jim Cramer would be tied behind a team of horses and dragged through the city streets until sundown.
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