Jon Stewart v. Jim Cramer

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New member
May 11, 2007
pwned . . .

Although part of me thinks Cramer backing down is just to avoid the witch hunt, or to avoid being lumped in with the witches that stole the money.

Either way - I think we're going to see more of this in the near future - realization by most people that the fix is in and there must be accountability across all the parties involved, media, banks, govt. etc . . .

Cramer doesn't need to back down from nothing.

Stock Market maverick commentator vs. a fucking comedian. If you take either one seriously you are in deep shit.
Oh my God..what an assraping. It doesn't help that Cramer naturally sounds like he's about to cry anyway.

WTF was he thinking? If he didn't have any arguments then why go on the show? How can anyone take him seriously (if they ever did) ever again?
Cramer doesn't need to back down from nothing.


This is just in line with the shit about the ethics and morality of pushing rebills and shit from last night.

People that take free advice on financial matters without doing any independent research deserve what they get.
Cramer doesn't need to back down from nothing.

Stock Market maverick commentator vs. a fucking comedian. If you take either one seriously you are in deep shit.
Maverick my ass. That man is nothing more than a TV personality.
Jon Stewart owned him hands down.
Been laughing my ass off as NBC / MSNBC are trying to discredit Jon. It pretty funny that all of a sudden Cramer is making his rounds like mad on all the NBC / MSNBC shows trying to sway popular opinion in a media blitz!

Anything to try and save their rep.
Here's the video:

[ame=""]Part 1 [/ame]

[ame=""]Part 2[/ame]
It was a great Daily Show, and the way they kept flashing (Watch the Full Version at was something I haven't seen before. Stewart appeared to be generally pissed off and it was great to see him that way. I don't understand how Cramer could go on the show if he was that unprepared. What will be interesting is to see if Jim Cramer actually changes his show, and stops with the bell whistle gong smashing antics.
It's not a liberal or conservative issue.

Just like Stewart put Tucker Carleson out of business... I think he might do the same to CNBC, or at least, completely change how that network operates

The interview was great. It's a shame that the only tough questions asked these days are by a comedian on Comedy Central
The daily show's probably only going after CNBC because of Santelli's tea party. Criticizing the media is good if it's unbiased, balanced criticism, but I don't really think the daily show is unbiased and balanced.
The daily show's probably only going after CNBC because of Santelli's tea party. Criticizing the media is good if it's unbiased, balanced criticism, but I don't really think the daily show is unbiased and balanced.

True. But seriously what show/newspaper/network is unbiased? Sure we all WANT un-biased reporting but human nature will never allow that. There will always be bias in reporting, sometimes it's just more apparent than others.

Props to Jon Stewart for putting Jim Cramer in the hot seat, great bashing\interview.
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