Java Support Metric In Google Analytics


Milkshake Drinker
Aug 6, 2010
Has anyone ever looked at this metric in Google Analytics?

I was digging through some reports recently and discovered that visitors to my site without 'Java Support' convert to sale ~2.80% of the time, while those visitors with 'Java Support' convert to sale ~8.00% of the time.

I know this has nothing to do with JavaScript, and I've gone over this with my development guys, and they don't really have an answer for me. No one seems to know much about the metric in general, or how it could affect conversions to that degree.

The % of traffic we have with 'No Java Support' is ~13%, which is a very significant amount considering the volume of visitors we have every month.

I've also noticed a large difference in conversion rate between visitors using Safari, and all other browsers. Safari visitors convert half as often as all the rest of the big browsers.

If anyone has experience and/or advice to give on this, it would be supremely appreciated.

Happy New Years everyone!

You found a red herring. It has something to do with javascript in that the available jre is determined by GA's object model introspection which works fine for most newer desktop browsers, so "Java Support" should correspond more or less to users of newer mainstream desktop browsers without paranoid security settings.