JarredLV's journal. This noob will make it.

I'm probably just being hard on myself. I've seen some pretty shitty LP's that convert. I just got to get this sucker finished and throw some traffic at it. I like that site, soem nice information on there. If it makes any difference, It's a blog style LP that I'm working on.

The main takeaway from that site is that there are two types of elements on page: things that help conversion and things that don't. You want to remove all the latter so there's no "unsupervised thinking." You want to answer 1) "Where am I?" 2) "What can I do here?" and 3) "Why should I do it?"

Sometimes 1) isn't as important, but 2) and especially 3) are absolutely necessary. Sounds like common sense, but simple methods beat the shit out of no framework anyday.

As to tools, I'm not really aware of free keyword tools. I mean, I've played around with Google's tools, but I'm not aware of anything else.

SEObook has a weak version of Wordtracker. It's not bad.

And with reason: there's a 0-sized iframe at the bottom of your page. Probably containing some spyware, because my antivirus is going crazy here. I suggest everyone who visited his site to do a scan.

Well fuck me, thanks man. I'm just going to wipe the site, not using it anyhow. Fuck....

The main takeaway from that site is that there are two types of elements on page: things that help conversion and things that don't. You want to remove all the latter so there's no "unsupervised thinking." You want to answer 1) "Where am I?" 2) "What can I do here?" and 3) "Why should I do it?"

Sometimes 1) isn't as important, but 2) and especially 3) are absolutely necessary. Sounds like common sense, but simple methods beat the shit out of no framework anyday.

SEObook has a weak version of Wordtracker. It's not bad.

When you look at it this way, it all seems so simple. I guess that's what I need to really focus on, only building things that do one thing, get people to buy. Everything else is just a waste of time. Thanks for the tips. I'll check out wordtracker as well.
You make ad groups like that because google will like it and for orgranization (or not so much ahah) not becuase you have to etc
You make ad groups like that because google will like it and for orgranization (or not so much ahah) not becuase you have to etc

Ad groups like what? One keyword per ad group? Any advice on ad groups would be much appreciated, I'm having a hard time finding info on that. I plan on starting out with Yahoo first, I've got a coupon for $50 for it and I've read that it's easier to start out with Yahoo or MSN for a newbie as Google has many hoops and BS to get accustomed to.
That is a very cool story, I hope you get though the hard times that everyone has coming. And hope you have no more problems!