JarredLV's journal. This noob will make it.


Rape and Pillage Canada!
Dec 24, 2008
Las Vegas
After reading through Lemon's excellent journal, I figure that it would be a good thing for me to start my own in an effort to organize my thoughts and actions which should make me more efficient. I also lack any kind of accountability, I'm hoping that this will provide me some in addition to getting some extremely valuable advice along the way. I fucked up my shoulder pretty bad at work today, so I'm toasted on Lortabs right now, not going to be able to do much in the way of actually setting up my campaigns tonight, but I figured I would write my intro post. I'm not really writing this first post for anyone but myself. It's something for me to look back on when I need that kind of boost.

Why I'm doing this:

All my life I've had to worry about money and frankly I'm tired of it. There are a shit ton of reasons to motivate me, but this is my main one:


My fiancé. She treats me like a king, and honestly, makes my life worth living. Of all the reasons I can think of to succeed at this, she is number one. I want to give her a good life, a life that she deserves. With the way she treats me, it's the least I could do. She is such an awesome person, and I just want to see her as happy as possible. In a few years, we will be starting a family, and I really don't want my children to grow up the way I did. I don’t want them to see their mother crying on their birthday because we are too poor to afford gifts. I want them to grow up in a good home, not seedy apartments in bad areas of town.

In addition to that, I want to go back to school, and that shit is expensive. I want to go back just because I love learning. I love going to school. I'm not doing it to pursue a specific career path, but I just have this thirst for knowledge and it's something that makes me really happy. I always want to be in school, always learning something new, pursuing a new direction.

And finally, I hate my job. It drains my soul. I work for the TSA. That alone should give me plenty of reason to succeed in Affiliate Marketing. The never ending stream of irate passengers. The bullshit draconian constitutional right depriving rules that I'm obligated to enforce make me cringe. It's seriously a very depressing place, and it is slowly killing any ambition and drive I have, so I have to hurry.

My goals:

So what do I want to accomplish? Simply, I want to make a living from Affiliate Marketing. Right now, I would need about $3,000 a month to be able to quit my job, but I wouldn't be comfortable quitting only making $3,000 a month. I would have to be making at least double that in order to feel comfortable. But what I need and what I want are two different things. I want to live a good life. I want to not have to worry about money. I want to travel, buy nice things, take my soon to be wife out to nice dinners, get out of debt, etc. My goal is to be making 6 figures. I want to make at least $100,000 a year. From what I've seen and read, this is far from impossible. Hell, some make that in a month, there's no reason I can't make that in a year. So that's my goal. I won't stop there, but that's what I want right now.

My plan:

I'm going to dive into PPC and later on once I build up a nice bank roll, media buys. Everything I've read tells me that this is where the money is. I'm signed up with what I feel are some really awesome networks. C2M, Ads4Dough, and Advaliant. Where I've had my hang ups is in the execution. I'd like to think I know what needs to be done, but then the self doubt sets in and I become my own worst enemy. I’ve had the mind set that I’ve already failed, but how can I have fucking failed when I haven’t even tried yet? I’ve got to stop that negative bullshit. There is nothing I’m trying to do that hasn’t been done thousands of times before. People are getting insanely rich off of Affiliate Marketing, no reason I can’t. The only person that will stop me from succeeding is me (and maybe the FTC :) ).

So, specifically, what am I planning on doing. Well, I’ve got a few offers picked out that I want to pop my cherry on. I’ve been thinking a lot about giving a run at the BizOpp niche. I know that this isn’t the most ideal way to gain experience, but I figure the bigger the challenge the more I’m going to learn and grow. I think I got a pretty awesome domain name for this niche, youmakethemoney.com. So we’ll see how well that goes. How I plan to market it. Well, I don’t have a lot of money to spend. I’ve been banking some money whenever I can to start my campaigns; right now I have about $300. So what I am planning to do is focus on long tail keywords. From what I’ve read, this can benefit me in many ways. The CPC is lower, the competition is less, and the people who click on my links are more targeted and thus may get me a higher CTR. I plan to avoid Google for a while and just focus on MSN and Yahoo for the moment. I have $80 in my Yahoo account from a coupon I came across, so that helps too.

So, in the next week, I will be making myself as good of a landing page as possible (if experienced marketers would be kind enough to review it when I finish, I would be extremely grateful), gathering a list of around 200 long tail keywords, researching and creating what I hope to be effective ad copies, and launching my first (of what I hope to be many) campaign. I’m looking for some advice on my plan. I know it’s not too detailed right now, but any comments are appreciated. I’ll elaborate more when I’m not so high and actually get to work on my campaigns.

I really want to thank everyone on this forum. You all are extremely helpful to those who try to help themselves. All of you can easily just keep your mouth shut and bank stacks and stack of cash, but you choose to share your wisdom, and I'm very grateful for that. I’m open to any and all advice that anyone may have for me, I look forward to it actually. So any comments/advice on what I’ve written so far are more that welcome. I hope that this thread won’t annoy as just another chump newbie making a journal. I really plan to have a great deal of success and I see this as something that can’t hurt and only help. I know it's a long read, but thanks for bearing with me.


So, right now I’m still trying to organize my thoughts and figure out a game plan. Basically, what I need to do, in what order, etc. I guess I really need to start writing out my thoughts and questions and get some kind of flow chart going as to what I need to do. Because I’m working with a limited budget and I’m new to AM, I want to make sure I have all my ducks in a row before I launch.

I’m beginning to question whether or not I should start off in the BizOpp niche. I know in my original post I said that the challenge would give me a chance to learn a lot, but that may not be the best direction to take. I’ve seen a new niche take hold, the sleep aid niche, and I’ve been thinking about trying that. It seems that it hasn’t really taken off yet, and that may prove to be beneficial to me as the competition might be less and my spend won’t be as much. And it may work better for my plan to focus on long tails, I’ve been able to think of more long tails for that niche than I have for the BizOpp niche. But this is something I would really really appreciate some advice on. For a newbie, should I avoid the BizOpps?

Another thing that I would really appreciate some insight on is keywords and ad groups. This is something that I haven’t really grabbed a hold of yet. Basically, what are Ad groups? My understanding is that it is the term for the combination of your keywords and Ad Copy? Does that sound right? Another thing is that I’ve read several differing opinions on how to set these up. I’ve seen people suggest that you only have one keyword per ad group, and a whole host of other suggestions on keeping a specific amount of keywords per ad group. I guess my question is what purpose does this serve? What is the purpose of limiting the amount of keywords you have per ad group. Also, is it customary to have only one Ad Copy per Ad Group? Is it even possible to have more than one ad copy per ad group?

So tonight I’m figuring out really what I want to promote. I’m hoping to get some responses on this post, some advice, which will help me choose. But I will have my mind made up by tomorrow, I’m pretty anxious to get started. I also signed up with Tacking202 and am currently exploring that and learning my way around. I’m also playing with my Yahoo PPC account, exploring that as well. Just so that when I do actually get to building my campaign, I’m familiar with the interface. I’ve also downloaded a half dozen or so wordpress templates that I think would make decent landers. And I’ve also snagged a few CSS templates as well, should I decide to just make a lander without the aid of wordpress. So not as productive as I would have liked to been, but I need to be sure about what I’m promoting. I’m going to look at some other peoples landers in both niches, help me get some inspiration and also help me decide on what niche I want to start with. I think I'll re-read that great post about effective adcopies too.

I know this is another long ass post, but thanks for hanging in there with this noob. I really hope that my efforts here are going to make a good roadmap for other newbies to follow. Thanks in advance for any comments or advice I may receive. It’s greatly appreciated.
My advice?

Imagine if you put the time you took to write your two long-ass posts into building a landing page. You could be making money right now rather than asking what niche you should try.
My advice?

Imagine if you put the time you took to write your two long-ass posts into building a landing page. You could be making money right now rather than asking what niche you should try.

They help me orginize my thoughts. Being new at this and all. I agree with you though, but like I said, my resources are pretty limited. I need to make the most of what I have, so basically I need to get it as close to right the first time or I'm going to have to sit around and wait until I can save up more money. I'm just apprehensive on what niche to focus on. That's my only real hurdle at the moment. I've never done this before, never ran a campaign, and money is tight for me, so maybe I'm just being overly paranoid. In addition, the questions I asked in my second post are something I need to figure out before I can really move forward.

Ad groups, ad copy, keywords...I've never worked with these before, I'm not too sure what to do when it comes to setting up ad groups and keywords. I think these are pretty critical things that I need to have an understanding of before I can move forward, but if I'm wrong please tell me. I'm half tempted to just say fuck it and throw something together and if it fails then I just have to save up more money for a month or so and give it another go, but I really don't want to have to wait to save more money and waste an entire month. But I will have it figured out by tomorrow night. I will have my niche figured out. If I'm wrong, then oh well. I'm starting to think that I should hold off on the BizOpp and persue something else. Fuck it, I'm going to do something else besides BizOpps. I'm going to go with the sleep aid niche. Gonna search for a domain now. Thanks DreamMachine.
So, I just bought the domain I'm going to use for my sleep aid campaign. I bought it through GoDaddy auction, so it's not mine until August 2nd, but that gives me time to figure out how keywords and ad groups work and to get my landing page set up and refined. It's late, so I'm going to hit the sack, but tomorrow after work I'm going to get my landing page hopefully finished, or at least a big dent put in it. Got a lot going on this weekend, I'm going to DefCon and my fiance's parents are coming in to town, so I might not be able to work on much this weekend, but any free time I do get will be dedicated to getting this campaign running. I want to launch it by Wendsday next week. I'm getting pretty excited. For the first time I feel like I'm actually making some progress and getting things sorted out. Writing all this out sure does help.
So, I just bought the domain I'm going to use for my sleep aid campaign. I bought it through GoDaddy auction, so it's not mine until August 2nd, but that gives me time to figure out how keywords and ad groups work and to get my landing page set up and refined. It's late, so I'm going to hit the sack, but tomorrow after work I'm going to get my landing page hopefully finished, or at least a big dent put in it. Got a lot going on this weekend, I'm going to DefCon and my fiance's parents are coming in to town, so I might not be able to work on much this weekend, but any free time I do get will be dedicated to getting this campaign running. I want to launch it by Wendsday next week. I'm getting pretty excited. For the first time I feel like I'm actually making some progress and getting things sorted out. Writing all this out sure does help.

It surely does.This is awesome!
So tonight I've been working on my landing page. I've hit a creative block, so I'm taking a break to post an update. While at work today, I did some research on keywords and ad groups, and how they relate to each other. I was pretty clueless on what ad groups were, and how they fit in to the whole PPC/CPA game. Well, I think I got it down, feel free to chime in if I got this wrong.

Ad groups are basically your container for your ad copy and key words. You want your keywords to relate to your ad copy, and so you organize those into ad groups. For example, if my ad copy is this:

All Natural Cure For Insomnia!
Fast Acting, Natural, Safe!
Free Trial, Act Now!

I would want my keywords in the same ad group to relate to insomnia, such as:

insomnia cures
insomnia help
getting rid of insomnia
how to fight insomnia

So I think I got the ad copy/keyword/ad group relationship down. Unless of course someone tells me otherwise. In addition, I haven't really found any one way to organize ad groups, so I did some thinking today at work and I've decided on my own plan, I'm going to see how it works. I'm going to shoot for 5 different ad copies, each with thier own ad group. In each ad group, I'm going to aim for 20-30 long tail keywords. Hopefully this makes sense, like I've said before this is my first ever campaign, so I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing is right, but we'll see.

Also while at work I made a list of 100 or so keywords relating to the sleep aid niche, depending on how long I'm working on my landing page tonight, I may plug those into ad words tools and see what I come up with. I've never really played around with those tools, so I'm not sure what I expect to accomplish, but what the hell.

So that's where I'm at, I'm still hoping to have this up by Wednesday. It's been a while since I've built a website from scratch and it's showing, so this landing page is taking longer than I expected. I'm starting to think I should have outsourced this, but that would take away from my PPC funds. I'm only going to be at DefCon until about 5 tomorrow, so I'll have all night to finish it up if I don't get it taken care of tonight. Still looking for someone to take a look at it when I finish if some experienced marketer would be so kind as to do that I would greatly appreciate it. Preferably someone who I know doesn't need to steal a newbies landing page. Maybe I'll just PM SEO Mike, he seems nice enough.

So anywho, back to building my landing page....
Quick update. So, I had some trouble getting my domain, realnaturalsleep, transferred over to my godaddy account. But I finally got it taken care of. The creation of my landing page has unfortunately taken a lot longer than I expected. I'm not the whiz I once was with web design, so I have a lot to still learn about making landing pages. If I had the money, I would just outsource this, but I'm on a limited budget and all the money I do have allocated for this is going towards my PPC costs. So I just have to suck it up and learn.

I got my domain and hosting set up. Since I'm sucking hard at building my own LP, I'm just looking for a decent wordpress theme to hack up and hopefully that will be sufficent. I've got a pretty solid list of keywords, around 150, many of them with little competition in regards to ad spots, so hopefully I'll be able to get clicks on the cheap. I've got 4 ad copies written out. So all that I really need to finish is my LP. I had family in town this past weekend, doing a bunch of wedding planning, so I didn't get much time to work on it. I'm working on it all tonight and if I don't finish tonight, I'll finish it tomorrow night after I get off work.

I'm not going as fast as I would have liked, but at least I'm making forward progress, which is more than I've ever done in the past. Getting pretty excited to launch this bitch.
If you're really that bad at making LPs, you could read up on Marketingexperiments.com's shit. They did LP optimization for the New York Times and other real huge corporations.

No offense, your ad copy seems lame even for a throwaway. Have you tried looking for decent ad copy advice on the internet? For beginners, Shoemoney's arrow trick can be helpful.

Are you using tools? If your base keyword is at all popular then free ones can be helpful. I wouldn't have come up with "insomnia cookies" and "typtophan insomnia" by myself, but they're in the top 15 most searched phrases for insomnia (well, according to the somewhat unreliable free tools, anyway). Even if they kinda suck, they're better than nothing.
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If you're really that bad at making LPs, you could read up on Marketingexperiments.com's shit. They did LP optimization for the New York Times and other real huge corporations.

No offense, your ad copy seems lame even for a throwaway. Have you tried looking for decent ad copy advice on the internet? For beginners, Shoemoney's arrow trick can be helpful.

Are you using tools? If your base keyword is at all popular then free ones can be helpful. I wouldn't have come up with "insomnia cookies" and "typtophan insomnia" by myself, but they're in the top 15 most searched phrases for insomnia (well, according to the somewhat unreliable free tools, anyway). Even if they kinda suck, they're better than nothing.

I'm probably just being hard on myself. I've seen some pretty shitty LP's that convert. I just got to get this sucker finished and throw some traffic at it. I like that site, soem nice information on there. If it makes any difference, It's a blog style LP that I'm working on.

That AD Copy was purely an example to illustrate my understanding of ad groups. But I'll definitely check out that arrow trick. There's a sticky on these boards about building effective ad copy that's really thorough and helpful, I've been reading that too.

As to tools, I'm not really aware of free keyword tools. I mean, I've played around with Google's tools, but I'm not aware of anything else.

Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.

zeroglory said:
Who taught her how to hold a gun?
I did...
you got cornholed by google

You Make The Money was flagged as Harmful by google, so you might want to get that changed, because thats going to fuck you over

Yeah, Ive been sending them review requests for a while now, and they still won't take it off. Fortunately that site is on hold now, I don't want to get in to BizOpps at the moment, not until I get some experience under my belt. And thanks for the links.
Yeah, Ive been sending them review requests for a while now, and they still won't take it off.

And with reason: there's a 0-sized iframe at the bottom of your page. Probably containing some spyware, because my antivirus is going crazy here. I suggest everyone who visited his site to do a scan.