Japan says 'Thank You'...


The thing that is most impressive about both countries is how the state has duped it's citizens into selling future generations to slavery under the guise of patriotism and xenophobia. masterful manipulation indeed. The Japenese have convinced their citizens (estimated to be one of the most savings based cultures prior) to finance debt internally for decades. The US peddles at least some to other countries.

^^ The difference is the benefit/pain of winning the war 50 years ago. Petrobucks trump samurai swords.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V3kpKzd-Yw"]AC2011 Session 1.2 Come Undone: Kyle Bass redux - YouTube[/ame]

There's only about 5 minutes of that video that even mentions Japan ... and for nothing that you guys are discussing.

irrelevant video is irrelevant for the most part. You're still going to watch it just like you read a bluehat post ... over and over and over and over

Dude 80% of the States is the worst part.

Think about it...bible belt = trash


California, kind of OKAY
Washington, kind of OKAY
NY, kind of OKAY

There you have three States that same redeeming qualities. The rest are filled with mostly idiots.

you picked like, two of the three absolute worst states to say are "OKAY"