It's snowing in VEGAS!

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77 here in Port Richey, Florida. No I am NOT bragging as this sucks! My wife and I are moving back to Ohio in the next couple months to get back to the REAL seasons that we miss. Would be awesome to see it snow down here and even better to see some Ice. That would be the funniest thing ever to watch since these asses down here dont even slow down driving when it rains. Would be quite comical, As long as nobody got hurt....
77 here in Port Richey, Florida. No I am NOT bragging as this sucks! My wife and I are moving back to Ohio in the next couple months to get back to the REAL seasons that we miss. Would be awesome to see it snow down here and even better to see some Ice. That would be the funniest thing ever to watch since these asses down here dont even slow down driving when it rains. Would be quite comical, As long as nobody got hurt....

us people in the south know how to drive in the rain
when it does anything else but rain we slow down :updown:
us people in the south know how to drive in the rain
when it does anything else but rain we slow down :updown:
I am sure you guys do. Florida drivers are unique and very dangerous. I live next to a highway (US19) that I see bodies on weekly. I bought a brand new Harley Davidson back in 05 only to ride it two months before almost getting nailed at a stop sign and said that was it no more. It sat in the garage since. When it rains down here the first thing you hear is sirens coming to shovel somebody up off the ground because another car hydroplaned and took out the 5 cars around it.
Yeah its -3 here, but the last time I was in Vegas it snowed on me February'ish a few years back. I was already expecting it to be cold and possibly snowing.
Yea the kooks here had a global warming rally in the -10 wind chill.

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