IT guys rule the roost?


New member
Jun 12, 2007
My bro. runs the IT department for a fortune 500 company. He called me the other day and needed some help because most of his crew was out with the flu and they had a major project going on.

I haven't worked for anyone else in like 15 years but I thought...what the fuck I will go in and help him out a few days.

Damn, Not only does the IT guys have all the women in the office but they get to take home all the spare computer gear.

I have seen a lot of bitchin about IT positions but I just don't see the down side.

Apparently your brother runs the only Fortune 500 company that does not have SOX compliance or Asset controls.
Apparently your brother runs the only Fortune 500 company that does not have SOX compliance or Asset controls.

Im not sure about that...maybe Im just witnessing the glamor side of the job?

I mean hot women, free hard drives and free pizza is all I have experienced.
Where's the Obama-hating, Popeye? I'm surprised. I was going to join you this time.
Any corp I have ever seen, IT was treated like shit. "Digital Janitors" was putting it mildly.

You have seen a good day. Or the best company ever.

I've done IT Consulting for 13 years - from everything from a school district in Kansas to financial services companies in New York to the US Federal government (Civilian agencies) to Fortune 100.

I won't claim I've seen it ALL but I can say that IT get treated exactly how the management wants it to be. A lot of companies have old timers who think IT is a necessary burden and they basically hate it.

Some companies have old timers who "get it" in terms of the efficiencies IT brings to the table. They make their long term plans include IT.

A good tip - I wouldn't invest in a company that has a high rate of turn over in IT. They are either doomed, languishing, or badly in need of a house-cleaning at the top.
LOL. I've been an IT Consultant for 5 years and it fucking sucks.

underpaid, overworked, and the companies *never* seem to have any budget/money for IT. People take it for granted until it crashes and goes down, then all the sudden its an emergency.

i-net marketing FTW.
I knew a guy who they had to have on site because he knew COBOL and some of the procedural stuff that goes with it; and some of their critical systems still ran it.

He showed me how to make the heater with the coffee can, a roll of TP and some kerosene and told me he stays warm by hovering over this while they have him locked in the server room all night.
The thing with IT is that it varies so much between places... Everyone has a different mentality of what IT is...

Here's how it worked out for me when I worked for the schools,

1. Unload train car with hundreds of PC's/KB/Mouse all neatly loaded on pallets
2. Pack them on moving trucks based on which school they went to

These 2 pictures are right after unloading and dropping them at the entrance of the school,


After that was done,
1. Move them all to the lab, I worked alone but often times had special aid students working with us, now that I think of it, they were some of the most genuine people I ever met..

A little less foot space for a lot more storage

And lastly, a overall shot of the sophisticated deployment lab :)

Overall, the job was 95% good - The people, working alone at my own pace, the environment, no stress, done at 5, and not a care in the world etc..

There's still some awesome, laid back, IT jobs out there.
All the IT people I have seen tend to get treated like shit.

It tends to work out: If things go right it is thanks to: Marketing/CEO/Upper Management. If things go wrong, it is thanks to: IT. They are the perfect corporate scape goat.

They also get shitty hours since they need to be there 24/7 + get called in at odd hours when shit hits the fan.

The only up side is spare time. They tend to have plenty of time to browse the internet/shoot the shit.
that's not the usual IT environment, trust me
chicks in the IT department? they were probably searching another room...
My current customer IT department has at least 3 hot chicks. Fortunately I sit by 2 of them.

That said, there are about 4,000 people in the building.
Any corp I have ever seen, IT was treated like shit. "Digital Janitors" was putting it mildly.

You have seen a good day. Or the best company ever.


Computer Janitors, for sure.

Altho I have a buddy that works for a major forex bank, his setup is pretty gangster. They get treated like royalty there compared to the peeps that work at other corporations or ISP's.