Is it me or is Warrior Forum retarded?

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Do we really want suckers getting wise to the tricks we use to fool them into buying shit we promote though?

That Geo script is golden, and for WAY more than pushing shitty grant offers.
You can use it for something like "And a special offer available only to <CITY> residents blablabla" and so forth, and those idiots will fall for it over and over if the site is marginally less scammy (i.e. selling physical products)
Hey someone with half a brain on WarriorForum actually told these people to wake up, I love it!
"i know i'll get some flames for this, but..


Do you want to make some money in IM? ..then get with the program. Switch on your tv and have a look at them commercials: it's ALL about lying, faking, making potential buyers BUY something they DO NOT NEED AT ALL! it unethical?! Hell YEAH! Is it scamming?! Hell NO (because they actually buy a working product).

And y'all complain about some geo-targeting? C'MON, PLEASE! "
Can we put together a flog with this guy's picture?


"Hi I'm Scott from WarriorForum and I make $99k a week with Easy Google Money"
An example site is: "not going to out LP" -- (this guy thinks its funny to show disgusting porno videos to any URLs linking from the warrior forum, so you'll need to cut & paste the URL and add periods in your web browser if you want to see an example site.).

My god, I just spent two minutes over there reading a thread with that ppc coach guy
and another character arguing over who's ppc or ppv training is better.

Sounding like a bunch of two year old's, like who gives a fuck seriously.
yeah i need to post this:

FREE - Step by step guide to get accepted in ANY CPA Network - Slap me if this guide fails

wf retards said:
1. Get a company name - Register a company and then apply for the CPA Network. Reports have shown that over 90% of the fraud comes from individual accounts.

2. Get a professional website for your company and get an email at your domain, i.e

3. Get a toll free number - This adds value

4. Get a phone line with a professional voicemail and don’t use a cell

seriously? what is wrong with them. every CPA network I applied to as an individual, i got accepted to.
Yeah, that too-
1. without a professional website.
2. without a toll free number.
3. using my damn cell phone.

exactly. i'm not incorporated yet, i was getting started actually doing this first. any income I make now is as an individual, until I start doing way better
I'm starting to think that Warrior Forum is a big elaborate joke who singlehandedly made up all these fake users and awesome posts just for the lulz. I mean, it almost seems impossible to have so many pedophile look-a-likes congregate in one venue and post some of the most asinine shit possible...
it makes me want to write an e-book and sell it for $50 over there, with publicly available info in it.
I gotta say, the warrior gurus are masters of fluff.

"As traffic generation is one of the most vital ingredients of any successful web business, it is also crucial to your CPA business.

It is a must have component.

That is …

In order to create highly profitable CPA campaign that brings in cash day and night like clock work, it is mandatory that you have consistent traffic from a diverse set of traffic sources. If you generate enough traffic to your CPA offer, you will have more visitors and more visitors will bring more profit.

With out traffic, even with the highest converting CPA offer, everything else is just a waste of time and money.
It's the traffic that matters at all."
I gotta say, the warrior gurus are masters of fluff.

"As traffic generation is one of the most vital ingredients of any successful web business, it is also crucial to your CPA business.

It is a must have component.

That is …

In order to create highly profitable CPA campaign that brings in cash day and night like clock work, it is mandatory that you have consistent traffic from a diverse set of traffic sources. If you generate enough traffic to your CPA offer, you will have more visitors and more visitors will bring more profit.

With out traffic, even with the highest converting CPA offer, everything else is just a waste of time and money.
It's the traffic that matters at all."

sounds like someone with an english degree from east asshole university decided to try affiliate marketing
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