Is it just me or does YSM have that many search partners that my CTR is shit?

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Ok now listen or shut the fuck up. It takes MONEY to test whats shit or whats not. Instead of asking others you should use better tracking to determine which referrers are converting and which ones are not. If we are giving you free advice we OBVIOUSLY paid for it.

Theres no such thing as free lunch. Get your shit togather & go build some campaigns, tweak & profit...

He's right ^

it's ironic how many spammy flog ads show up on i got some yahoo clicks from this domain, had a little chuckle and blocked it.
is this a must???....i have all my shit set to advanced......should i switch it?

It's up to you but you probably should, are you tracking keywords?

You couldn't call something shitty without even testing it. I'm gettting 10-11% CTR on my ads. Same goes for search partner. Some are shitty, but some gives me 500% ROI, consistently. You just have to test it for yourself.


Yeah, UPDATE, I've blocked a lot of shit search partners and my CTR's and profit is improving quite nicely, 15% to 20% so far ,campaign only 3 days old, very nice conversion rate, will only get better, cost per click is still high though, I'm beginning to like teh Yahoo.
maybe they get ripped off on a regular basis = live ones

LOLz. I've made leads from

But yes, block it!

yahoo is a mysterious beast. i block the angry townsfolk with pitchforks at complaintsboard and the traffic stops... temporarily.

now i'm getting random hits again from a site i blocked. thanks yahoo!
It's up to you but you probably should, are you tracking keywords?

Yeah, UPDATE, I've blocked a lot of shit search partners and my CTR's and profit is improving quite nicely, 15% to 20% so far ,campaign only 3 days old, very nice conversion rate, will only get better, cost per click is still high though, I'm beginning to like teh Yahoo.

Does YSM even reward for high CTR? Their QS system is shitty, last I heard...:uhoh2:
Guess what's so ironic about it? If I add it up, almost half of my traffic comes from search partner, and it's ROI combined is like 300% on average whilst give me ~20% ROI.
now i'm getting random hits again from a site i blocked. thanks yahoo!

Write in to yahoo and let them know. They've refunded probably over $1500 to me from blocked domains that still sent clicks, but then again how much have they made off me. One of the biggest headaches was domain parking service Somehow those guys kept getting through the filter.
take this, it's good for you...


That's a big chill pill.. 250kg or around 550lbs...
The CTR is going to differ from me campaign to other peoples. This is due to the fact that we are running different niches to different demographics. There for a site or search partner that may be shit for me may be good for someone else.
advanced match is equal to broad match at google while standard match is equal to exact and phase match at google.
Guys, can you help a n00b out and tell me at what point do you drop a search partner. Kind of like a keyword, when it hits twice the cost of a sale, or something like that?
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