Is Google Fucking Me?

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Secret Lovers?
Nov 15, 2006
Hey guys still a n00b and still trying to wrap my head around this. Here is my situation i have a friend running a domain landing page from Trafficz and the only traffic he gets comes from Google Adwords, he has a low clickthrough, a little over 1% but for the last 3 months has been in position 2-3 always which gets him about 70-80clicks/day with this proccess he makes a steady $80-$100/day

I wanted to do the same thing and since i thought if you cant be him join him that's what i did, i ran the exact same campaign, i mean exact word for word in the ad, all keywords the same, every single setting the same, the only difference was my link in the ad it obviously went to my site, so here's the question, why am i only getting about 10-15 clicks/day and always in position 5-6 and getting a hell of alot less impressions, i do understand with higher ad position i will get more impressions.

P.S. i have tried changing one or two words in the ads and i have tried completely different ad's, yet still get the same result.

Is Google fucking me? and what can i do?


Aged adwords accounts perform better than new ones.

An account that has consistently got a 5% CTR for a keyword will show higher up the results than a brand new account with the exact same settings.

Some people also think that as your account and campaigns age (and hopefully improve) Google opens up more of its inventory to your ads (though I am not sure about this) therefore giving you more traffic.
HAHAAHA thanks guys appreciate it! So it looks like older accounts are the reason.

Yes and i am thankful MSN isnt givin it to me cause i heard there hung
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