Ironman 3


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Just saw Ironman 3 last night in 3D IMAX.... Action packed and the cgi was pretty insane. O and there is something after the credits so don't leave.

Won't post any spoilers, but lots of subtle future tech hints in the movie.

Certainly worth going to see. Anyone else? What did you think?

It's a violent movie without a doubt. Certainly not something I would want to take my kid to, but if your talking a teenager I'm sure they will be fine. PG-13 is the rating so yeah I guess it's about right.
It's a violent movie without a doubt. Certainly not something I would want to take my kid to, but if your talking a teenager I'm sure they will be fine. PG-13 is the rating so yeah I guess it's about right.

I couldn't remember if it was pg or pg13. Even with the first 2 the violence wasn't really that bad. Kids see much worse on the news.
Why would you worry about violence ? From what I know, this movie is actually targeted to 10-12 year olds since it is inspired from Marvel. In the movie theater I was surrounded by parents with their kids. Let's be honest, nobody cares about movie rating unless it's R or NC-17.
Well my daughter is 3, not gonna take her. But yeah a 10 yr old probably wouldn't have an issue with this movie at all.
Im not sure im liking where they are taking Iron MEN. I mean its always been just 1, now everyone has a suit. Imagine if there was 10 hulks running around. It would be gay.
It is an excellent movie, definitely worth a trip to the cinema to watch it.
can probably download it somewhere..not sure why people still pay for overpriced with tickets and food (and the small possibility of being shot up)
can probably download it somewhere..not sure why people still pay for overpriced with tickets and food (and the small possibility of being shot up)

Small possibility of being eaten by a lion, hit by a meteor, hit by a massive dildo.