iPhone PreOrders


New member
Sep 4, 2008
I am shocked no one else started this topic yet so I will.

Today I just remembered that iPhone preorders should have started but Apple and ATT both didn't bother to email me about starting the process. So I go to ATT's website and they have no options to even get the damn thing.

Seems both ATT and Apple sold out of the fucking things in the first few hours of pre-orders. Apple's website is the only place I can seem to get one and Delivery is set for July 14th! News agencies are saying that demand for iPhone 4 pre-orders was ten times the demand for 3GS pre-orders.

Apple's stock is up 7+ points right now and it looks like the soonest you "may" get the iPhone 4 is July 14th. Official launch date was set for June 24th, seems each day your arrival date gets pushed back.

edit: Just confirmed my pre-order at apple.com, total 212.93 (taxes) estimated delivery July 15-19th.

I pre-ordered. I dont care if i get it 3 weeks later. I will survive. I refuse to wait in line all fucking day for a phone. That is ludicrous. Ill just wait for the mailman to hand-deliver my phones to me. Fuck a line.
I pre-ordered. I dont care if i get it 3 weeks later. I will survive. I refuse to wait in line all fucking day for a phone. That is ludicrous. Ill just wait for the mailman to hand-deliver my phones to me. Fuck a line.

i'm with you on lines... nothing worse than stinky Chicagoans who slept on concrete for 3 straight days for a phone. I will gladly wait for my doorman to hand it over when i get home.

but if you pre-order through Apple you get on the 25th... got mine ordered last night

btw: stupid you can't pre-order the white phone!!
In Canada it works pretty well. We get raped on the plan though, but quality of signal and network is top notch. At least for me. I pay about $30 for 6GB data plan.
Shit, I'd love to get one of these, but I'm not signing up with AT&T. My hacked old 3G has a busted screen and is on it's last leg, but I'm sure as shit not spending $1500 to get one on ebay and until Blackrain or someone can crack the new one, it's useless to me.
I have had my att account for probably 10-12 years now. Same phone number I had back in high school. I have never really had a problem with their service it no being able to make phone calls. I think the major issues are if you live in a major city.
I need gratification quicker than 2-3 weeks so I chose not to pre-order. I'd also be pissed if they released the white one in the next 1-2 weeks right after I pre-ordered my black one. Going to try to snag one of the 30 at one of the four local AT&T stores here without camping out... probably will fail miserably though.
In the UK they are due for delivery on 24th June.

That being said O2 are going to be a week late getting them out for businesses to make sure they work the way they should.

I'm just going out of contract so instead of paying £600 for a 32gb version I can get one "free" although we all know how free that really is.

Just to have a phone with a flash will be awesome.
I have a 3GS, and it just turns out my new free phone with a new contract comes up in August.

Will be perfect timing because everyone that has to have it instantly will have waited in line and that will be over - but in August they will still be "new tech" and I should be able to walk in the Apple store and just pick one up for free or super cheap with my contract renewal.

So I got lucky with timing - August is not that far.

Also - my GF loves Blackberry and will never switch. - But I have used her phone and honestly BB is not as fun to fuck around and play video games on - even if its more productive.

Oh well - I hate to say this but I am really looking forward to getting one in august!
My wife pre-ordered the new 4G in the store yesterday. Couldn't even log-in to the site to get one online so had to order in person.

The reps at the ATT store said there was a line around the corner already when they arrived at work in the morning. He said their systems were down all day and they were still entering info by hand and doing carbon copies of cc when we got there at 8pm.

If you didn't pre-order already it sounds like you better be one of the first in line if you want any chance of getting one. There will be a limited supply at each store.
Tried to pre-order yesterday and it didn't work. I don't feel like waiting in line, so I'm cool with waiting for 3 weeks.
Yeah, I just read a statement from apple that said they sold 600k iphones Tuesday. Since they get $500 per phone (subsidized) that makes a pretty nice $400 mil day. Nice marketing..
I preordered 5 to be delivered on june 24th
along with reserving 5 in store
Why someone would stand in line to get an iphone I do not know. I thought about doing it... but then was like.. NO FUCKING WAY.

I am not standing in line for hours to pay them. THEY CAN FUCKING PAY ME!