iPhone Meet Toilet

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Buy another new one, then put the broken one in the box and return it saying it doesn't work. don't tell them it dropped in the shitter, just that it stopped working. Keep the new one and sell it on ebay to recover your cost
I dropped my iPhone 3G on the floor, started acting funky. Brought it to my Apple store, told them it's not working and calls drop a lot, and I got a shiny new one for free no questions asked.

Guess dropping it in water and totally FUBAR'ing it is a different story tho...
Exactly what I was thinking. I'd have called, made up a story and had them ship me a new one.
guys the iphone like most phones has a water damage sensor, you can't call and make shit up you need to present them with the phone. if i had seen it drop in and fished it out immediately i might have had luck.

I'll repeat:

Instead of getting a refurb'd iphone, I simply canceled my contract for $155 and reinstated it with a new iphone for $200.

So let's see drive 3 hours and pay $350 for used phone per Apple's terms or cancel contract get new contract and brand new iphone for $355...I'm sure this loophole will be closed soon at Best Buy.
Well don't throw it out. You can sell it on ebay, broken ones go for 80 to 100$


So taking the advice of Vox, I decided to put the iphone on eBay...within a minute of posting the listing, I received an email offering $100 for it. I told them I didn't want to end the listing early.

At that point, I looked at the iPhone, I had not tried to plug it in for 4 days. Believe me I had gone through blow drying it, toweling it in a last ditch long overdue effort to try to get it to work, plugging it in every 12 hours. But something in the back of mind was like just fucking plug it in again...

So I shurgged and plugged it in...


lo and fucking behold bobble head Steve Jobs descended from the heavens and tapped my phone with his pinky finger and the battery image appeared. I almost fell out of my chair.

Within 5 minutes the fucking thing was 100% working, I switched out the sim card from my new iphone and made a call which was also 100% flawless.

The only thing that was slightly messed up was the appearance of
it being a little water logged behind the touch screen, but that seems to be going away:


I ended the eBay listing, and will probably give it as a gift or just keep it as a back up.

I've also left this thing outside in the snow in Chicago in -4 degrees over night, and it worked the next day...

Thanks, Steve...

The End
My iphone vibrated itself across the counter, past the sink, and fell off the side bouncing off the toilet paper roll hitting the toilet seat and landing square in the shitter.

Something like this happened to me with my phone. It vibrated off my dresser and into my wastebasket. I "lost" it for about a week and nearly gave up my search, but luckily I saw it while taking out the garbage.
Let's have a short discussion about electronics...

First of all, water does not kill electronics unless there is electricity going through them at the time. Once the water dries it will usually work fine unless the water has high amounts of minerals which conduct electricity. So, I don't know shit about the iPhone but it is a possibility that it has the ability to realize when it's sitting in a toilet and it simply turned itself off. After drying I don't believe it's far fetched that it actually worked. You can take your computer keyboard and wash it in the dishwasher and let it dry and it will work too. Same concept -- sort of.

boner jams 03
Tried the dishwasher thing with a real old and grimy keyboard. (That I also did not mind loosing in the name of science)

It got clean - but never worked again.

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