iPhone Meet Toilet

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Too Cool for School
Aug 3, 2008
I placed my iphone on the bathroom sink counter near the wall under the light switch.

My alarm went off.

My iphone vibrated itself across the counter, past the sink, and fell off the side bouncing off the toilet paper roll hitting the toilet seat and landing square in the shitter.

It marinated in the shitter for about 35 minutes.

When I came into the bathroom, it was a total mind fuck and it took me about an hour and multiple false accusations to finally reconstruct what the fuck happened.

So it's a paper weight now.

The nearest Apple Store is 3 hours away from me. So I walked into Best Buy and said "my phone just got shit bricked, need to buy a new one retail."

"Sorry, we don't sell iphones w/o a new contract."

"What? What do I need to do go to ATT store?"

"No, you need to go to Apple Store and they will sell you a refurb for $350."

I have to drive 3 hours to buy a used phone for $350 to replace this thing???

Nooooo thank you. I told him to terminate my contract...I paid $155 termination fee and got a new contract/ phone for $200.

Moral of the story don't leave your iphone in the bathroom....

...and get the 15/mo best buy insurance.

I cringe everytime my Iphone gets a tiny scratch. I can't imagine the anguish I would go through from a dip in the shitter.
It was no iphone but I got out of the car one day in the pouring rain and ran across the parking lot the the door of a local computer store. While running my phone bounced out of my pocket and I drop kicked it half way across the lot into a big 2 inch deep mud puddle. I took it apart and it worked fine once it dried out.

Thanks, unfortunately it was in the bowl for at least a half hour. Also this was a common area bathroom at my gf's friend's house where 4 people reg take dumps, puke, etc. So shit/body fluid particulate level was medium to severe. The iPhone was fished out and dropped in a bowl of rubbing alcohol and disinfected merely to be able to show the phone to whatever company was going to assist me in replacing it.
I feel your pain. I love my iphone so much that I can't stand do be away from it. I sleep with it right next to my bed and I keep having these reoccurring dreams where I accidentally go swimming with my phone in my pocket, at which point I wake up and have to make sure my iphone is safe before I can go back to sleep.
Here's one that obviously took the reverse route:

Sucks for you. I remember last year I went to the lake with some friends and jumped in the water, not realizing until 10 minutes later that I had both of my phones in my pockets. Somehow the simcards survived though, and since then I've been backing up everything every few days just incase something does happen.
And jesus christ, I just realized you said the insurance for the iPhone is $15/month?! Seriously, fuck that phone. Insurance for my G1 is $5/month.

oh i know it. believe me it's not lost on me that this device is one of the most beautiful ass raping money sucking devices ever created. That Apple and AT&T offer no insurance on this phone is a testament to Best Buy's own ingenuity in capitalizing on this market and offering it, and the reason it continues to expand whereas circuit city gasps its last breath.

I do like the G1 and one day it may be in my life.
I dropped my iPhone 3G on the floor, started acting funky. Brought it to my Apple store, told them it's not working and calls drop a lot, and I got a shiny new one for free no questions asked.

Guess dropping it in water and totally FUBAR'ing it is a different story tho...
oh i know it. believe me it's not lost on me that this device is one of the most beautiful ass raping money sucking devices ever created. That Apple and AT&T offer no insurance on this phone is a testament to Best Buy's own ingenuity in capitalizing on this market and offering it, and the reason it continues to expand whereas circuit city gasps its last breath.

I do like the G1 and one day it may be in my life.

wtf? AT&T doesn't offer insurance on the iPhone? That's fucking crazy.

On a side note, if anyone wants to get the G1 sign up at Freelancers Union :: Platform for an Independent Workforce and look under their discounts section. Instead of signing up via that link just go into the t-mobile store and they will match the deal in there...

Phone for $139
10% off the account for life
Deferred payment - you walk out of the store with the G1 and you only pay a total of $50
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If the phone's less than 6 months old, it ought to be covered by manufacturer's warranty. Just say you fell over while on a country stroll and dropped it in a bog by the side of the road or some shit if you can't face up to telling them it fell in the toilet.

iPhone's fucking useless once the touchscreen goes though. It's why I make damn sure all of my phones have an actual keyboard on them as well since my old XDA shat itself a while back. After all, you need the thing to keep having some functionality until you can get a new unit.

HTC's Touch HD Pro is looking like pretty damn good contender for iPhone for the tech geek crowd.
you walk out of the store with the G1 and you only pay a total of $50
+rep - remind me never to reveal my overhead to you...the shame might outlive me

There's a reason your mom kept saying put the seat down....
i got that 50 times today lol

If the phone's less than 6 months old, it ought to be covered by manufacturer's warranty. Just say you fell over while on a country stroll and dropped it in a bog by the side of the road or some shit if you can't face up to telling them it fell in the toilet.

apple doesn't cover water damage, and i told everyone it fell in the toilet the blue shirts were walking backwards when i started getting descriptive...haha
I just found out from my friend that State Farm (and probably all companies) cover his iPhone for $40 a year. I never knew that... everyone with an iPhone should call their regular insurance company.
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