I own an iPhone related site and would be happy to suggest my team review your app if you can pass along a promo code. My Android sites have a lot more traffic... but every bit helps.
Let me know
Developing a mobile app may take a long time time and lots of coding. As an internet marketer, I've found an alternative solution for my clients who require their website be compatible across all smart phones. SPAMMMER SPAMMER SPAMMER:::::::: brick&mobile has provided me with the easiest way on creating my clients' websites to be compatible across all known smartphones.
Additionally, they also provide mobile marketing solutions for which is very helpful on my part because I do not only target users who browse the internet through computers but also users who browse websites through their mobile phones.
Wow, that's a really professional looking app. Did it take long to make?Bump Bump
My first app I made personally in a weekend to learn Corona, it was denied by Apple. It was a simple joke app and it seems the jokes were to lude for them. Fuckers.. Android took it and it managed 9 downloads for 0.99 in like 6 months. I just remembered it and made it free.
My second app released on 2/28 and is a niche travel guide for my home town Key West, Fl. From the 28th to the 3rd I had it at 0.99 and got about 20 downloads overall. Since I need established reviews and some big numbers to get advertisers I made the app free on 3/3. The 3rd I got 40 downloads, the 4th I got 195 downloads so my strategy is doing great. Once I get established reviews and start my advertising campaigns the app will go back to 0.99. So far things are doing great, though I wish more people would write reviews. I may have to add a review me popup to get them though.
If you guys want to check it out its at Key West Local Guide
Wow, that's a really professional looking app. Did it take long to make?
Was that app also built in Corona? How did you find the framework? Is there anything it's seriously lacking in? These multi platform app frameworks look nice but I can imagine one small feature might fuck you right up due to them 'making things easier'.
I.E here - Corona SDK Code Comparison with Objective-C: Display an Image in OpenGL #CoronaSDK @ansca
Although it only takes one line with Corona, are you able to modify the underlying C or Java if you have some tweaks you need to make?