Interviewing SEO specialists


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Hey guys

Aside from my affiliate work, I am a third year Journalist student and I am writing a short piece about SEO and how businesses should be focusing on SEO when transitioning to the online market. For my piece, I need 2 interviews from SEO specialists and I figured there would be no place better to find people than WF. If anyone is interested, I will only take up about 10 minutes of your time with around 3 questions about SEO. Please PM me if you have some extra time or just post on this thread and I will will PM you.

Thanks, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

the guy from SEO Theory blog, I would try him.

Interesting, interesting guy, been around forever
Businesses should be focused on branding and engaging customers and prospects. If your online activity has a value proposition, you don't have to rely on doing a rain dance and crossing your fingers to get traffic.

Thanks very much for this comment. It help me to think about my ideals.

Tks again and pls keep posting.
What a fine idea how to generate free unique content, just post in random forums asking for interviews about forum topic, then respond to those who are willing to participate with a set of 200 questions about that topic.