Internet Nostalgia

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I remember punting people from AOL and using software called Butt Trumpet to mess with AOL accounts. Good times
Did not like the first C&C (rather, never really got into it) but I LOVED Dune.

Man, I wish I still had my site on geocities. It was a wallpaper site made with netscape, and the background picture was Kathy Ireland, the babe of the 90s. LOL

I remember my first cd burner, had to place the cd in a caddy then loaded it into the Sony drive, if there was any vibration or I tried to do anything on my PC the cd would be a coaster. I think I still have it in my basement.
Argh.. the horrors of Soundblaster installations, the agony of the first CD burners, the joy of well done cracker intros on new games...

Nukes and floods, good times. Think of the bother you would get now doing such activities.

Damn philistines.
I would like to nominate this wf's geekiest thread of 2008.

My nostalgia is from the college intranet that they had going on back in the day. Can't tell you any of the specs but it was 94 and it was the first time I had ever seen a chat room. I thought it was the shit and I would chat on there for about 8 hours a day. It's amazing I manage to pass my freshman year.
Three of my favourite nostalgia items:

- looking at porn on Usenet newsgroups like (or something like that), but having to uudecode 10 pieces in 10 separate posts, then assemble the 10 pieces to make 1 picture. Oh, and not having to filter through shitpiles of spam posts to find the pics.

- alt.tasteless on said Usenet

- playing Rogue on pre-Windows PC's. I remember many a late night at college spending time on that instead of working on labs.


Fuck... now I'm really dating myself...
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that is a scary video. I didnt get my first computer until I was 19 so in 1999. I remember dropping $1500 on a MONSTROSITY fro gateway. Then spending another $500 for a 4x cd burner. Made some good money downloading music and selling it way back then.
that is a scary video. I didnt get my first computer until I was 19 so in 1999. I remember dropping $1500 on a MONSTROSITY fro gateway. Then spending another $500 for a 4x cd burner. Made some good money downloading music and selling it way back then.

Oh yeah! 4 x Burner! Good business.

Got one in 95. Just came out. yamaha. Was the best.

I would burn in industrial quantities. It was get so hot that the cds's track would melt and wouldn't be readable. I outsourced downloading. Even some of the selling.... hmm... good old days.
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