Interesting Case Study - Pretty much based on how sick and stupid america has become

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all 14 of them live together in a 3 bedroom apartment too (imagine living underneath that elephant herd). she also thinks angelina jolie wants to look like her.
Update: the website has 1,275 backlinks and her websites alexa rating was at 2,466 yesterday with a 1 week 19,952 1 week avg. Damn!
Put the kids in foster care. She's obviously incapable of raising them herself.

I was going to say force her to get her tubes tied, but that's a slippery slope.

Agreed. It's fucking ridiculousness.
Here's some icing on the cake you may not have herd, ALL her fucking kids where created artificially! She didn't just have the first six legitimately or anything.

Some of the disability money was spent on in vitro fertilizations, which was used for all 14 of her children, Suleman said.
Update: the website has 1,275 backlinks and her websites alexa rating was at 2,466 yesterday with a 1 week 19,952 1 week avg. Damn!
I think she's going to clean up after all, which was probably the point.

Another issue which I think wasn't mentioned here: Octo-mom has been on disability since the mental hospital riot, and I think she collected $165,000. OK, if there was a legitimate reason she couldn't work after getting hit with a chair she's entitled. But how come she can go on to have 14 babies but it too sick to work? Isn't pregnancy a lot more stressful than a desk job?
Completely lost is the tragedy of octo-mom's mom, who has been caring for the 6 she had earlier. The poor woman has been gunny sacked with long unpaid hours of child care, and said octo-mom didn't manage at all well without the extra 8.

She's an enabler that should of kicked her daughter out the first time she wanted to have a litter.
AHer vag will never be the same again.

Her vag is probably the same as it was before 14 babies. I'd make the bold assumption that all of her invitro babies were likely born via C-section. Even if a few weren't you can bet your ass the last eight were.

Isn't pregnancy a lot more stressful than a desk job?

Yes. Pregnancy puts a tremendous amount of stress on the body. For one, your body has 150% of its normal blood supply during pregnancy making your heart work that much harder. Your joints also grow looser during pregnancy which would make a back injury potentially more likely to cause pain, etc...since everything hurts at some point while you grow a kiddo.

She would have been on monitored best rest throughout most of the pregnancy, however, so her body might have had a bit less stress than a normal pregnancy that way.

BTW - normal labor (which she did not have with eight babies) is more challenging than running a marathon. :)
AHer vag will never be the same again.

Her vag is probably the same as it was before 14 babies. I'd make the bold assumption that all of her in vitro babies were likely born via C-section. Even if a few weren't you can bet your ass the last eight were.

Isn't pregnancy a lot more stressful than a desk job?

Yes. Pregnancy puts a tremendous amount of stress on the body. For one, your body has 150% of its normal blood supply during pregnancy making your heart work that much harder. Your joints also grow looser during pregnancy which would make a back injury potentially more likely to cause pain, etc...since everything hurts at some point while you grow a kiddo.

She would have been on monitored best rest throughout most of the pregnancy, however, so her body might have had a bit less stress than a normal multiples pregnancy that way.

BTW - normal labor (which she did not have with eight babies) is more challenging than running a marathon. :)
Her vag is probably the same as it was before 14 babies. I'd make the bold assumption that all of her in vitro babies were likely born via C-section. Even if a few weren't you can bet your ass the last eight were.

Yes. Pregnancy puts a tremendous amount of stress on the body. For one, your body has 150% of its normal blood supply during pregnancy making your heart work that much harder. Your joints also grow looser during pregnancy which would make a back injury potentially more likely to cause pain, etc...since everything hurts at some point while you grow a kiddo.

She would have been on monitored best rest throughout most of the pregnancy, however, so her body might have had a bit less stress than a normal multiples pregnancy that way.

BTW - normal labor (which she did not have with eight babies) is more challenging than running a marathon. :)

I wake up everyday and thank god im not a female.
I bet this fucking idiot makes out like a bandit. I did find it interesting that the web design firm that made her the site didn't link back to their own site.

The PR Firm that was representing her dropped her because both the firm and she were getting death threats.

I think the biggest fuss is that she already had 6 kids with no realistic means of supporting them herself, and she took fertility treatments to have more.

If you ask me, she's was set out to intentionally milk the system from the start, and it's sick to use kids to that end.
The PR Firm that was representing her dropped her because both the firm and she were getting death threats.

I think the biggest fuss is that she already had 6 kids with no realistic means of supporting them herself, and she took fertility treatments to have more.

If you ask me, she's was set out to intentionally milk the system from the start, and it's sick to use kids to that end.

That makes me sick.

But part of the problem is America is just a huge welfare country, its horrible.
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