Interesting Case Study - Pretty much based on how sick and stupid america has become

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Aug 20, 2008
After watching CNN this morning it was said that the crazy woman , Nadya Suleman, who has 8 kids has just released a website asking for donations. Which is sick to begin with because there is no reason why she should of had this many kids in the first place. This now means she has 14 kids. Her vag will never be the same again. This website news has been all over radio, tv and the papers. I checked her websites yahoo site explorer backlinks and it has received 923 backlinks in the last few days. The alexa rank for the website is still at : No data, and im curious to see how much traffic that crazy bitch has been receiving. She will probly be raking in tons of traffic. Only if there was a way i could get this kind of viral for my affilliate sites. I try but i can barely get my girl to stay up past 9.

I bet this fucking idiot makes out like a bandit. I did find it interesting that the web design firm that made her the site didn't link back to their own site.

Very interesting thing to consider though - let's say something really controversial happens - you call up the person and say hey I'll do a site for free, then contractually retain all rights to it. After the shit blows over and everyone goes back to not caring, you have a site with a ton of major news sites backlinks.

Her vag will never be the same again.

lol was that kinda random or just me?
I'd say your title is a bit inaccurate. This stupid bitch is just an attention whore, and not indicative of the country as a whole.

Just another freak for the freakshow.
She may not be indicative of how stupid Americans are, but everything else on TV is pretty indicative of how stupid Americans are. Most Americans are pretty fucking ignorant, that's hard to deny. The evidence is overwhelming.
Even more fucked up is how much money she put into plastic surgery / lip plumping yet couldn't afford some necessities for the kiddies.
I bet this fucking idiot makes out like a bandit. I did find it interesting that the web design firm that made her the site didn't link back to their own site.

Very interesting thing to consider though - let's say something really controversial happens - you call up the person and say hey I'll do a site for free, then contractually retain all rights to it. After the shit blows over and everyone goes back to not caring, you have a site with a ton of major news sites backlinks.

lol was that kinda random or just me?
I suspect if you come back in 6 months there will be links. Possibly a lot of them. I mean, if she's broke, selling em is a good avenue as well ;)
her asking for donations isn't as bad as the bitch that was asking for donations to pay off her shopping debt a few years ago
In another baffling development, CNN reported that Suleman's publicist admitted that Suleman is receiving $490 per month in food stamps.

Source: Octuplets' mom seeks online donations -

She's getting food stamps and she has a publicist.

Food stamps... and a publicist.

Can't quite get my mind around it.

I enjoy a delicious slice of irony as much as anyone. But, that's just... odd.
Even mother-fucking better, guess whos paying for all these little, vitro fertilization, bastards. That's right, they where fucking created little fucks.

Guess who's going to pay for them? You are!

LA police to investigate threats to octuplet mom

Here's the part you really need to care about:

Suleman has been supporting her six other children with $490 a month in food stamps and receives Social Security disability payments for three of the youngsters that could total $2,379 a month.

She has estimated her in vitro fertilization procedures have cost $100,000.

Suleman has said she saved for the treatments by working double shifts and also used money from a disability award exceeding $165,000 that she received after an on-the-job back injury.
The benefits were discontinued last year.

The Suleman octuplets' medical costs have not been disclosed, but in 2006, the average cost for a premature baby's hospital stay in California was $164,273, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Eight times that equals $1.3 million.

For a single mother, the cost of raising 14 children through age 17 ranges from $1.3 million to $2.7 million, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Completely lost is the tragedy of octo-mom's mom, who has been caring for the 6 she had earlier. The poor woman has been gunny sacked with long unpaid hours of child care, and said octo-mom didn't manage at all well without the extra 8.
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