Insurance Leads

That's not true. Some products are impulse buys while others have a longer sales cycle with more research being done.

Plus, insurance is a very personal product with a lot of personal information involved. The insurance industry has a fairly bad reputation causing people to be more gun shy about entering information or making a final purchase.

Right, but that's why they are LEADS, not SALES. People curious about how much life insurance will cost are probably as likely to fill out a quote request as people looking for any other type of quote...

Having done both - leads for affiliate programs vs. leads for individual insurance agents, I'll take the affiliate program every time. If you do gather leads for agents, make sure you get your money up front. Those guys... phew... well, I have a couple of stories I won't bore you with.

If anybody wants to know which affiliate program pays me every Tuesday, PM me. :)

I'd actually love to hear some of your warnings, tips etc as going direct to the buyer is the path I am currently going down! :)
^ you think 30% network shaving is bad? you will think otherwise after dealing with these mofos.
I had to have a lawyer contact an agent who refused to pay for leads he had received. A good chunk of change too. Anyone who takes that route should make sure to have a signed contract specifying terms on file like I did.

Networks > Agents, Brokers
Pm me if you're interested in life insurance leadgen for ~40/lead off your own site.
If anybody wants to know which affiliate program pays me every Tuesday, PM me. :)

I wonder if it's the same program that used to pay me every Tuesday until they stiffed me for 25k :\

I mainly deal in health leads and I can say it's a pretty tough market trying to generate them at affiliate level payouts. All the big aggregators also do ppc/media buys and can afford to spend way more per lead than an affiliate can.
Exactly. When I switched from a short form to a long life insurance form where you were paid on the ARF (Application Request From) versus the QRF (Quote Request Form), my CPA went south. I realized I was advertising for people to get free quotes as opposed to actually applying for life insurance then and there. Lesson learned.