Insurance Leads


New member
May 12, 2009
I was wanting some insight into these offers as I do not see much talk about it on here and have heard in the past it is slightly harder to convert the leads. I was also wondering what networks offer good insurance lead offers other than CJ. Thanks in advance.

Insurance leads are harder to convert than what? If you have targeted traffic, insurance leads shouldn't be any harder to convert than any other type of offer with targeted traffic.
That's not true. Some products are impulse buys while others have a longer sales cycle with more research being done.

Plus, insurance is a very personal product with a lot of personal information involved. The insurance industry has a fairly bad reputation causing people to be more gun shy about entering information or making a final purchase.
That's what I have heard eBranchOffice. I know there is some money to be made in converting the insurance leads but just not sure how good of a niche it is considering the major competition as well.
Set up your own lead capture.

Sell the leads to a broker.

Screw the networks.
i set up an lead capture site for my dad's insurance business.
I got about 75 long form health insurance leads with 0 sales. His secratary said all the people calling wanted the free obama insurance.
Also i havent seen any health insurace offers on the networks lately.

Auto might be ok, but i think health sucks right now
i set up an lead capture site for my dad's insurance business.
I got about 75 long form health insurance leads with 0 sales. His secratary said all the people calling wanted the free obama insurance.
Also i havent seen any health insurace offers on the networks lately.

Auto might be ok, but i think health sucks right now

er, isn't that your fault though? i mean you were blatantly misleading the customer so if I were you I wouldn't be surprised that none of them turned into sales
I've always been trying to convert auto leads on non search engine traffic better some how. The thing is the forms are just so damn long people quit before the end it seems.
he means if you get traffic by advertising "free health insurance" (for example) then you can't really complain that the people who fill out your form want free health insurance.
i didn't. It was just a normal health insurance ad with a normal lander.
Everyone just thinks theyre gonna get free shit from obama
Environmental factors play a role too.

If Obama is giving out free insurance, you need to account for that too.

Hence "negative keywords are your friends"

So is ad text.
Yeah as the health insurance debate heats up I would say people will get a lot of it. That is why I am going through a network so I get paid and don't have to hear the insurance company bitch about it.
Take your auto insurance leads and stick them up your asses you spamming assholes.
Having done both - leads for affiliate programs vs. leads for individual insurance agents, I'll take the affiliate program every time. If you do gather leads for agents, make sure you get your money up front. Those guys... phew... well, I have a couple of stories I won't bore you with.

If anybody wants to know which affiliate program pays me every Tuesday, PM me. :)
If you do gather leads for agents, make sure you get your money up front. Those guys... phew... well, I have a couple of stories I won't bore you with.

LOL I've been there, unfortunately. If you decide to sell your leads go through a broker like leadpoint and save yourself *some* of the headache, but prepared to hate lead buyers :cool2: