Installing Wordpress

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Dec 12, 2006
I'm trying to install wordpress, and I have Godaddy as hosting and they install it for you, but won't provide further assistance.

I found a WP template online, I downloaded it, but it doesn't have the same files as my wordpress directory on my hosting account. I tried to just upload the template and overwrite the existing index.php (I don't know anything about programming), but that didn't do anything except game me an error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_header() in /home/content/u/b/a/folder/html/folder2/wordpress2/index.php on line 1

I'm going to try to SEO this blog, do you think a template I downloaded online is a bad idea (duplicate content), or should I get somebody to create a custom designed blog?


extract the template, so it should be in its own folder.

then upload it into your /wp-content/themes/ on your domain

aftewards go into your wordpress admin and then click presentation and it shoudl be listed there, then simply jsut click on the picture to load it
Yeah, just figured that out. Except my template is all messed up the side bar and title bar are conflicting with each other and messing it up. Should I just look for a different theme?
I need to edit the title and make the text alignment towards the right, which file do I need to edit?

did you reinstall wordpress after attempting to over ride all the standard install files? some of them could have been corrupted. if you need to edit your templated click presentation and then select theme editor.

all the files are there to edit.
the title is located in the header.php, and the body is the main index template if i recall correctly
Hopefully this is my last question!

How do I align the title to the right?

Here's the code:

<title><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title>

I tried

<div style="direction: rtl" ><title><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title></div>
<align=right> </align>
<p align="right">

none of those are working,

look in your indext template file, u should see a get header command, is that somehow aligned centered? sorry my actual coding knowledge in minimal lol
look in your indext template file, u should see a get header command, is that somehow aligned centered? sorry my actual coding knowledge in minimal lol

There's a tag: <h6><?php the_title(); ?> (<?php the_time('l, F jS, Y') ?>) under <?php the_category(', ') ?></h6>

There isn't anything about center around that line. I tried to add: <div align="right"> didn't do anything.

However under,

<?php else : ?>

<h2 class="center">Not Found</h2>
<p class="center">Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.</p>
<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . "/searchform.php"); ?>
div#right h6
padding:0px 20px 2px 20px;

Seems it's set at right, I added some characters to the title such as <<<<<<<<<< and then the actual title starts going more towards the right and those "<<<<" characters go under that conflicting side menu on the left. Looks kinda dumb, is there anything else I can do? Probably just look for a different template?

Also which file contains the font? I want to change the font as well. Is what's in stylesheet control everything?


Damn this is retarded, I shouldn't have to do this much editing, I'm going to start looking for another template, but if anybody has advise on how to fix this problem I'm having with this template, I'd appreciate the help since this is a minimial simple template and that's the only reason I like this template.
Editing WP templates is how I got my brain to wrap itself around PHP. I'm no PHP coder, but I can now tweak existing code to fit my needs (most of the time).

As far as what you are trying to do, you may be running into any number of errors. It may be something in the style sheet limiting how far over the header will actually go. Maybe a sidebar width limit or something? Dunno. I'd have to look at it and play around with it for a while to figure it out. There are much more qualified people than me on here to give advice about it.

Or just get a different template that better suits your needs. :D
I think a lot of template creators don't know what the fuck they're doing and just hack together CSS and PHP from bits and pieces instead of starting from a cohesive design plan. It works as long as you don't try to change anything.

I make my own templates from scratch, or find simple ones that I can work with easily.
anybody got links to finding quality WP templates? I just found another one with shitty font and messing up my Title and Tag line from overlapping.
My theme is all jacked up too. I wouldn't even know where to start with the code though. Anyone want to help a girl out?

I just need to somehow move the top left closer to the center and get it all lined up.

(I know it's gotta be tough for all you Ron Paul fans out there, but I appreciate the help just the same :) )
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