Insanity or P90X for overwieght, but fit Person?


newbie taking action
Nov 3, 2008
I am 6 foot and weight 205lbs. The problem is, I am all fat, with a big belly. I want to loose weight and build muscle. I have my meal plan down. Now for an exercise regement.

I do a fitness bootcamp a couple of times a week and run 3 miles a day 3 times a week. So cardio wise, I should be able to keep going.

Since I want to loose weight and tone my body, whch is better insanity or P90X? I am going for the olympic swimmer/ Tennis player type body, not big bulked out muscles.


I am going for the olympic swimmer/ Tennis player type body, not big bulked out muscles.


lol dude, first off...when you're a fat 205 lbs with a big belly (in your own words), and you begin to work don't just get to "choose" between the olympic swimmer look versus a bodybuilder look. Results take a long time, as'll take you a long-ass time just to stop looking "fat," much less looking like an olympic swimmer.

Second of all, if you're a fatty right now, it doesn't matter what you do - as long as you workout consistently 5 - 6 days / week and eat healthy. Do insanity, do p90x, start training for a marathon, do whatever will keep you motivated to continue working out. Just make sure you mix in both cardio and weights.

Good luck, but don't expect to look like michael phelps after 90 days. Expect to look like a fat guy who recently lost weight. This may sound harsh, but don't set yourself up to be disappointed.

If you expect to see massive results after X amount of time, and you don't get those desired results by that time - it's easy to lose motivation and return to your fatty ways. Instead, you have to treat working out as part of your lifestyle. Realize that you're going to be fit and work out consistently for the rest of your goddamn life. If you don't like that idea, then don't even bother, because 12 months from now you'll go back to eating potato chips on the couch.
I am 6 foot and weight 205lbs. The problem is, I am all fat, with a big belly. I want to loose weight and build muscle. I have my meal plan down. Now for an exercise regement.

I do a fitness bootcamp a couple of times a week and run 3 miles a day 3 times a week. So cardio wise, I should be able to keep going.

Since I want to loose weight and tone my body, whch is better insanity or P90X? I am going for the olympic swimmer/ Tennis player type body, not big bulked out muscles.

I wouldn't worry so much about which program to choose, so much as what you are going to eat. You can lose weight by just eating healthy, so cut out the soda, pizza, and beer for awhile and eat some veggies. They worry about hitting cardio and weights hard.
lol dude, first off...when you're a fat 205 lbs with a big belly (in your own words), and you begin to work don't just get to "choose" between the olympic swimmer look versus a bodybuilder look. Results take a long time, as'll take you a long-ass time just to stop looking "fat," much less looking like an olympic swimmer.

Second of all, if you're a fatty right now, it doesn't matter what you do - as long as you workout consistently 5 - 6 days / week and eat healthy. Do insanity, do p90x, start training for a marathon, do whatever will keep you motivated to continue working out. Just make sure you mix in both cardio and weights.

Good luck, but don't expect to look like michael phelps after 90 days. Expect to look like a fat guy who recently lost weight.

LOL. I was just mentioning the type of body I was going for. I didnt say I was going to try to do it in 90 days. I just dont want to eventually look like a body builder or anything. In fact, I would like to get down to 190ish.

My concern with P90X is, I cant do a pull up and I hear there are lots of them.

Also, would anyone recommend doing both at the same time?
LOL. I was just mentioning the type of body I was going for. I didnt say I was going to try to do it in 90 days. I just dont want to eventually look like a body builder or anything. In fact, I would like to get down to 190ish.

My concern with P90X is, I cant do a pull up and I hear there are lots of them.

haha ok, I hope I didn't sound like a dick or anything - but in these threads I like to be a little harsh.

If you don't eat excess calories then you won't bulk up, simple as that. Eat less calories than you expend each day and you'll lose fat while replacing that fat with muscle, and overall losing weight.
Your weight is because of your diet.

You are 205 and you want to get down to 190. You could do that in 1 month by correcting your calorie excess and maintaining your current work out.

If you can't do a pull up you you need to lose alot more than 15lbs if you are not bulking. You are going to be mostly fat and little muscle.
I always thought P90X was for chumps...that is until I started using it to train.

It's fucking intense (for most people anyway...unless you're a freak.)

The ab ripper ripper alone will turn you into Gerard Butler from 300...
you should do crossfit if you want to do something gay like p90x. otherwise be a real man and stick to bench, squat, deadlift, pull ups, cleans. cardio is for girls. you should be good once you can clean 225 if you weigh 205. try for a 200lb overhead press too.
If you are already doing fitness bootcamp and running my concern would be about your diet. What are you eating?
you should do crossfit if you want to do something gay like p90x. otherwise be a real man and stick to bench, squat, deadlift, pull ups, cleans. cardio is for girls. you should be good once you can clean 225 if you weigh 205. try for a 200lb overhead press too.

you ever tried P90X?
you should do crossfit if you want to do something gay like p90x. otherwise be a real man and stick to bench, squat, deadlift, pull ups, cleans. cardio is for girls. you should be good once you can clean 225 if you weigh 205. try for a 200lb overhead press too.

^^^ this

If you have at least $100/month to spend, but you don't know a damned thing about putting together a training routine or forcing yourself to train with high intensity, then your best choice is to join a local CrossFit box. They will tell you exactly what to do, how to do it, and they'll push you to get it done. It might be closer to $200 a month depending on your location.

If you are REALLY able to motivate yourself to train at a high intensity, find yourself a good workout routine (shameless plug: visit the link in my sig and peep the fat loss workout for men) and join a gym. This will cost you maybe $150-400 a year depending on where you join. Be wary of their personal trainers - most corporate gyms have shitty trainers. Someone who knows what they are doing will get stronger training in a gym than they will using CrossFit or any home workout DVDs. If you don't give a rat's shit about strength or muscle, CrossFit might be for you.

If you insist on working out at home, P90X is the best choice for home workout DVDs. It is essentially the poor man's CrossFit. If you can't do a single pull up, then you need to buy yourself a pull up bar, or find something to mimic a pull up bar, and every other day for a month do 5 sets of 5 negative reps. Just jump up to the bar (or use a stool to climb up if you have to) and lower yourself down slowly with a 3 second count. Once a week try to do a pull up on your own with a jump or a stool. For the P90X workout, buy yourself a resistance band and do pulldowns when P90X calls for pull ups, but try to find the strongest resistance band you can, because pull ups with bands are hella easy and you don't want to be able to do more than 10 reps if you want to build strength (and actually 3-5 reps is better for building strength). As you start to get stronger, use a stool or chair to support your feet just enough so that you can pull yourself up for 5 reps. The point I'm trying to make is to keep doing the movement, but find ways to continually make the reps harder, so that eventually you're strong enough to do bodyweight reps. It's not that hard. You are only 200 pounds. If I were your personal trainer I'd have you doing sets of 5 reps within 3 months.

Insanity is the second best choice, but it doesn't incorporate any weight lifting at all. It's just high intensity intervals, plyometrics, and core training. Not a bad workout at all, but I prefer P90X.

Either way you can still use my pull up training tips for a couple months. You'll be doing pull ups before summer. Also be aware that chin ups are different than pull ups, but are nearly just as good. Also, research kipping pull ups, which they frequently use in CrossFit. Kipping pull ups will trick you into thinking you can do pull ups before you actually can, but they will also help you to actually be able to do a real pull up one day.

If you are already doing fitness bootcamp and running my concern would be about your diet. What are you eating?
^^^ this too - your diet is responsible for at least 75% of your fat loss progress. Either learn to eat to lose fat, or take up intermittent fasting.
