Infographics -- Add Quality Content and Links to Your Site - At Resell Prices

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Nov 3, 2009
San Francisco
Rating - 96.4%
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After Ordering an Email From Basecamp Will be Sent To You. You Will Be Able to Review Each Step of The Service and Talk to me There. Click Above to Order.

We've been very busy. Some room again now for more orders.

These are at resell prices and most of my customers are resellers. I can white label the whole process inviting your customers to basecamp just as if I am apart of your company. We are are US company with native US writers.

Examples here -- (where I sell at non-resell prices)

Also running a deal for getting your infographics placed on authority sites. Just $300 for 5 authority sites. Add it on the form. PM me for the sites list.
Bagged, Stuffed and Mounted
(This is just a snaphshot of the Members who have taken the time to leave a review on past threads. Thanks.)


Content Ideas: (Note, you don't need to have an idea to order, we can come up with everything. These are just some ideas to get your
brain thinking of how you can use this service to better your site. Also, often times the clients who come to me with a specific idea in mind gets
the best results out of the service).

Here's something that has worked great for many of my clients -- take a look at your site. Are there particular posts that did really well? You
must have hit a nerve then, something people were interested in. How about visualizing that post with an infographic?

Your site isn't that popular? Ok, look at your biggest competitors and see which posts on their site really hit a nerve in your niche. Those
are great topics to target with infographics.

A few smart clients have come to me saying, "this is the most popular post on our site, I would like to get it visualized into an infographic".
This often times works out great for their site. They will either create a "Part 2" post on their site about the topic or just add the infographic
to their page and pump that page up even further.


This is surprisingly underused by clients that come to me. If there is some hot news in your niche, these are great topics to use. Especially
if it's something you know is coming up so you can have the time to get the infographic ready for it.

For example, a flower site might want to post an infographic on Mother's Day. A sports site could create an infographic on the world series
or the basketball playoffs. A ski site could do an infographic on the upcoming Olympics.

You can also take controversial news and use it to your favor. A gun site could have made some infographics back when gun rights were a
hot topic.

This is where infographics really shine. They can take a dense topic and give a clear visual explanation. Do you have parts of your niche
that are confusing or need to be properly explained to your readers? Any common sticking points within your niche?

An infographic can sell someone on the benefits of coconut oil much better than a long article. It keeps the readers attention, it gets the
info across in a short amount of time and it's often times more memorable. Readers are also more apt to share infographics compared to dense text.

Infographics actually work great offline. Everyone has seen infographics online, they don't grab the eye as much as they used to. Offline
though they are pretty rare. Yet, I personally think they work better offline.

Do you run local SEO company with a physical office. Why not hang a SEO poster on your wall that visually shows the power search has
in a local market.

For example, how many of us actually know the difference between a latte and a cappucino? Imagine how helpful this infographic would
be in a coffee shop.
Or this infographic in a cheese section of a store
Or how about you put up a visual history of your business. Like this infographic does for Honda
Infographics have a lot of potential offline. If you are an seo company with offline clients. Give this a thought. There are a lot of
ways your local customers could be using infographics in their retail business to increase customer loyalty, sales etc.

There are plenty of ways you could leverage infographics in your niche. Get creative. They are a powerful tool.
Visualize Stats:
Stats are dense, hard to remember and frankly boring in text. They belong in visuals.

Here's an infographic we created by taking some scraped stats on the community members here.

This would of never worked as blank text. By visually pitting the members against each other in a stats battle we created a fun and easy to read piece. It gave a great visual look at the most active members of the forum and incited a lot of discussion.

This can be done in any niche. Take a look around. There are stats and figures in your niche just waiting to be properly visualized.
This is a powerful Traffic Leak Tactic. I have recommended every customer try co-branding their infographics with authorities in their niche. I can however count on one hand the amount of customers which have actually used it. The ones that have and continue to do so are pulling some serious value out of these infographics.

Is there an authority site in your niche you wish you could get links from? How about an authority site in a non-competing but complimentary niche? How about a large news site? Etc. Etc. Co-Brand your infographic with their site.

You can either approach the site before creating the infographic in order to collaborate on a topic they would be interested in publishing OR you can create the infographic first and then approach sites asking if they would like to release it on their site as a co-branded piece. You would place both your sites logo and their logo/url at the bottom of the infographic. They would release the infographic in a post on their site and link back to your site as a co-author. You are leveraging their userbase here for sharing of the graphic and grabbing yourself a valuable link (ideally more than one link if their post generates more sharing).

This is a very enticing offer to sites. Typical public prices for infographics are $1k+. You are offering them 1k+ in savings for the simple exchange of a link. You are both providing your audiences with valuable information they will like and share. It's a win-win situation.

I give out full PSD files for every infographic ordered. You will be free to edit the branding as you like in order to offer co-branding opportunities.
"Hey Turn This Into An Infographic":
We love receiving these types of orders. Got a hot topic, current news, popular article etc. that you would like to see visualized as an infographic. Great, order up and drop the link on our form with the note "Turn this into an Infographic" -- we'll take it from there.

And maybe even make sure it gets some attention once it's made by ordering the distribution and the authority 5 pack (just $60 each authority link at this packaged price).
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