Infographic Linkbait in Your Niche - Plus Placements

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We've been very busy. Some room again now for more orders.

Examples here --
Bagged, Stuffed and Mounted
(This is just a snaphshot of the Members who have taken the time to leave a review on past threads. Thanks.)


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Thought this looked like a great service so gave it a go.

The concept that was brought back to me had only the barest relevance with my site, it was a simple timeline of events to do with the umbrella niche but the points were mostly terribly irrelevant to my place within the niche.

There was absolutely no research done on my site to try to fit the content to it, all you did was take a seed keyword and build some useless points around it. It may even have been an auto generated list of some kind, it was that generic. I've quite literally had 15$ fiver gig blogposts written with more obvious research done on my site.

When I asked for something more suited to my place within my niche I was told I don't know what I want and my order is cancelled and refunded.

Now I may have upset you a little as I did take a couple of weeks to get back with the information about how I'd like the content to be altered, but this was due to some last second international travel, I apologised for that and explained the reasons why.

Still you act like a child throwing a tantrum when I explained how the content didn't really suit....very poor service.
From the service provider: ""We don't know you, your business or fuck else""

Well you are certainly right about knowing not knowing fuck how to do 10mins worth of research on a target site before coming up with a concept for it...
Thought this looked like a great service so gave it a go.

The concept that was brought back to me had only the barest relevance with my site, it was a simple timeline of events to do with the umbrella niche but the points were mostly terribly irrelevant to my place within the niche.

There was absolutely no research done on my site to try to fit the content to it, all you did was take a seed keyword and build some useless points around it. It may even have been an auto generated list of some kind, it was that generic. I've quite literally had 15$ fiver gig blogposts written with more obvious research done on my site.

When I asked for something more suited to my place within my niche I was told I don't know what I want and my order is cancelled and refunded.

Now I may have upset you a little as I did take a couple of weeks to get back with the information about how I'd like the content to be altered, but this was due to some last second international travel, I apologised for that and explained the reasons why.

Still you act like a child throwing a tantrum when I explained how the content didn't really suit....very poor service.

From the service provider: ""We don't know you, your business or fuck else""

Well you are certainly right about knowing not knowing fuck how to do 10mins worth of research on a target site before coming up with a concept for it...

I've worked with people long enough to know when something is not going to work out. I ended it to save us both the time. Look at your posts on here and basecamp, I have no idea how you've determined I am throwing the tantrum. I simply said the order was cancelled.

Whatever, I have no time for this. People can see the content and decide for themselves. You offered 0 input on your end other than an "I'll leave it up to you" (which to note to customers, is fine, I'm just providing the background) and your generic run of the mill photography site. We then came up with this content -- . You then took over a month to respond and came back with this whole random ass tirade your on about how we didn't follow your "voice". Not at all interested in dealing with you as a customer so I cancelled the order.

Just placed an order.

Got it, thanks.
As I've got a few PM's about it, no you do not have to provide the infographic idea or the research. Just don't leave the idea to us and then afterwards come back with very specific ideas in mind. Let us know everything we would need to know at the start.
Is there anyway I can just give you a little extra for the list of infographic sharing sites? I've had issues with providers in the past in how they promote my product and I want to prevent that from happening again (e.g half filled accounts that I can't edit, incorrect information etc).

If yes, please PM me. I'll most likely forget to check back here.
Order placed. Seems like a legit service to me.


You're setup. Look for the email from basecamp. Thanks.

Is there anyway I can just give you a little extra for the list of infographic sharing sites? I've had issues with providers in the past in how they promote my product and I want to prevent that from happening again (e.g half filled accounts that I can't edit, incorrect information etc).

If yes, please PM me. I'll most likely forget to check back here.

You're setup, look for the email from basecamp. Thanks.
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