In 4 Years, Most Of My Clients Are Still On Page 1 - Case Studies Inside

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Feb 7, 2009
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Black Friday deals at the bottom.

I have been so busy with return orders since my last thread that I haven't been able to make a new one until now. Since I am not a middleman and I do not outsource anything, when I get a lot of orders it means I have to put my threads on hold while I complete work for my clients. I handle each WickedFire order personally.

Most of you know about my packages. You will find more info below.

Case studies


Case study 1: Organic SEO
Case study 2: Local SEO
Case study 3: Penalty recovery
Case study 4: Local SEO

Case Study 1
User: WickedFire member BurntPickle (username used with permission)
Type: Organic SEO
Details: In February of 2013, WickedFire member BurntPickle came to me with a set of keywords he wanted to increase his rank for. He needed some very natural looking SEO to promote the products his company manufactures. Because his site is very important, he needed all his SEO to look completely authentic. He gave me 11 unbranded keywords and 1 branded keyword.
Method: We used a Mininet with multiple posts per blog to ensure it looks as realistic as possible as well as some PR blogs.
Result: Almost all the keywords went to page 1 and have stayed there without any additional SEO work. Here are some screenshots:


Case Study 2
User: WickedFire member who wished to remain anonymous
Type: Local SEO
Details: This member was promoting a site for a specific city and a specific service in December 2012. The keywords were essentially [city] [industry].
Method: We used a Mininet and some PR Blogs.
Result: His keywords have gone to page 1 where they have remained for since!

Here are some charts.

Sorry about the color, the charts from further back are a different form and in order to go back to 2012 to get this data I had to use that version.


Case Study 3
User: WickedFire member who wished to remain anonymous
Type: Penalty Recovery
Details: The website being targeted here was on page 1 for a long time and then dropped off. Regarding this website, the content was amazing. If what Google said was true and content is king, it would've been on page 1 without issue. When I looked into it, I found that many of the links were from article sites that were taking his content, spinning it, and posting it on their sites using the same keywords to link back to his page. These were all generated sites so there was no way to get the links removed because they probably weren't even updated by a person. So not only did he have a ton of spammy content linking to him, but he also had an overoptimization penalty as well from them all using the same anchortext. And none of it was anything he had done.
Method: Using a penalty recovery method we tried a few different things to get rid of the bad links, but unfortunately they didn't have much of an effect. In this situation we had to change to a new domain and use a Mininet and some PR Blogs.
Result: His keywords are back on page 1.



Case Study 4
User: WickedFire member seosoldier (username used with permission)
Type: Local SEO
Details: This project was to promote a local company in the UK.
Method: A Mininet was all that was built.
Result: From page 2 to 2.



Package details

Mininets: my original offering since 2010. A Mininet is a group of web2.0 sites that are done by hand with handwritten content. Your link appears contextually in a 400+ word posts. Mininets are available with between 14 and 200 sites. For those of you who want something even more natural, you can get up to 5 posts in each blog. This means that if you order a Mininet with 25 blogs and you order 5 posts per blog, you are getting a total of 125 blog posts. Mininets give you full ownership of all the sites and you get a spreadsheet with all the usernames, passwords, links, emails, and keywords.

Click to order a Mininet.

A-Class PR Blogs: I have my own group of sites that I use to help keep my clients ranking well. These are my own sites that no one else has access to. Each site is hosted on a unique A-class IP address (with the exception of a few that are on unrelated and non-sequential B-Class IPs). I do not use C-Class hosting for this package because those IPs are usually spammed out (who do you think uses them). Each site is entirely handmade, most of which have premium themes (see screenshots below). All sites have handwritten content. Your link goes in a contextual 400 word post. The OBLs on all of these sites are low. How low? Try 5-15 OBLs per site. You have probably seen other networks with 20-50 links per page and lots of pages. Thees sites have 15 or fewer total on the entire site. Think how much linkjuice you will be getting from a PR3 DA30 PA30 Mt5 Mr5 sites with a contextual homepage link when you are one of only ten links on the entire site. Every package has a 100% indexation rate. I will never deliver an A-Class blog report that does not have every single post indexed.

These blogs are divided into two groups to fit your privacy needs, public and private. The public version has a list of the URLs after you sign a confidentiality agreement and you may order 5, 10, or 15 sites. Here are the currently available blogs.


There is also a private blog version. This has no report and is for people who need the highest level of privacy. These are available in groups of 15 from 15 to 60 sites.

Click here to order the A-Class PR Blogs that are public.
Click here to order the private version.

C-Spin Blogs: Because not everyone needs A-Class IPs or handwritten, natural content, I am offering for the first time publicly a group of private blogs on C-Class IPs with spun content. If you are looking for a short term boost or for a site that you don't really care about that much in the long run, this may be for you. None of the SERP charts on this page use this service. C-Class IPs leave a footprint. Spun content is obvious. But if that is what you want, this is what you need.

These are not for long term projects.

This is where you can order the C-Spin network.


These packages are unlikely to work if your site is overoptimized. I have seen it over and over where a site is overoptimized and when you deliver this kind of massive authority to it, its rankings bounce all over the place and it can be difficult to recover. This look is the overoptimization bounce.


Your site may be overoptimized in one of these ways:

Backlink overoptimization: If too many backlinks use the same keyword
Content overoptimization: Your keyword density is too high. Menus on your site can contribute to this.


How do I know if your packages will work for me?

Based on our experience, this service is less likely to work if 1 or both of the following conditions are true:

If you have a low quality existing link profile. For example, if you have a lot of links from spun content linkfarms with like 20 links per page and hundreds of pages, that kind of thing can lower the overall quality of your site. In this situation, you need the Qualitative SEO penalty recovery service.

If your site is overoptimized, see above.

In either of these situations you may need the Qualitative SEO penalty recovery service either before or in addition to your authority package

I've seen on a few clients where they didn't get the expected results and it was because of these two issues.

Secret Sauce?

No secret sauce. Why would anyone buy anything that they didn't know what they were getting? Secret sauce means either they are doing some strange stuff they don't want you to know about, or they are trying to make you think they know something no one else does. This is SEO. There are no secrets. Ask my clients if they care about secret sauce? I have been 100% transparent since I began and that's not changing now. If you are the kind of person who needs to think their SEO company is using secret sauce to work with them, though, then yeah, we have secret sauce, in 5 different flavors.

Black Friday sale

For this thread if you order any Mininet you get 50% off any A-Class PR Blog package. Order the Mininet and then I will send you an email with a private link to order the PR blogs at 50% off.

Good to see you still at it. Guys, I used metalhead on some of my sites pre penguin 1; he does solid work.
Each PM has been replied to. I should say sorry for the delay since it was Thanksgiving and I wasn't really working much.

There are more case studies that will be posted in a few days.
A few PMs have asked me about the Cyber Monday deals: they are available until this thread closes.
I wanted to comment on this thread just to say what a refreshing non BS service, a delight to read.

Secondly, it would have been nice to know what sets your clients in the case studies ordered. It would have given me an idea of which package is best suited to order.
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