Impressive Blackhat Campaign


New member
May 9, 2010
I just saw what this guy had done in a campaign, and had to share with others what he did, because the amount of work put into the thing is impressive. I won't post links so they aren't outed, but if you are a WF member, lets just say I'm impressed. If this is against some WF rules or something, mods please feel free to delete the post.

Step One - Hacked email addresses to send email as normal person, and emailed to everyone in address book. Email contents is only a link. Clicking on the link leads you to...

Step Two - Hacked target site, placed redirect on target site to.....

Step Three - Custom built money site, made to look EXACTLY like the Fox News site (including "foxnews" in the URL as a subdomain) with fake news article about a weight loss product, with a "buy now" button at the bottom. To make it look more legit, fake Facebook comments from different "people" about the "news article" (the site says 600+ comments, but clicking "view more" doesn't do move!). Each Facebook profile made to look incredibly real, with real looking photos, location info, like info, hundreds of "friends" etc.

Anyway, this might be old hat to some of you guys, but this is the first time I've seen the length this guy put into the campaign, so felt the need to share.

Contact mailing has been around since '03 boss. Hotmail clamped down hard on it last year. I personally know 5 figure a day niggas but I'd never take that kind of risk for paper.
lol, you guys should stop being so arrogant and start thinking that not everything is revolving around SEO lol


ITT: people think that everyone lives in the USA.
Yeah, I've seen this kind of crap before. I have to keep showing my friends and family, "Look, this is not a real news site. It's funny that when YOU open it up, it shows you that the person being talked about is from your city, but when I open it up, they are magically now from my city. That doesn't tip you off?"
How To Do Stupid Illegal Blackhat Mailing:

Step 1: Make the lander
Step 2: Find an underground network that would accept your type of traffic. They exist and aren't very hard to find
Step 3: Get a coder to program a contact mailer for you
Step 4: Buy <>< or set up your own...system (I'm not going to go into details and don't ask me to)
Step 5: You should already have US proxies from your...system.
Step 6: Get a captcha ocr or use decaptcher/deatchbycaptcha
Step 7: Enjoy your profit
Step 8: Rotate landers daily. Do not email the same people twice.

That'll be $20 please.
I just saw what this guy had done in a campaign, and had to share with others what he did, because the amount of work put into the thing is impressive. I won't post links so they aren't outed, but if you are a WF member, lets just say I'm impressed. If this is against some WF rules or something, mods please feel free to delete the post.

Step One - Hacked email addresses to send email as normal person, and emailed to everyone in address book. Email contents is only a link. Clicking on the link leads you to...

Step Two - Hacked target site, placed redirect on target site to.....

Step Three - Custom built money site, made to look EXACTLY like the Fox News site (including "foxnews" in the URL as a subdomain) with fake news article about a weight loss product, with a "buy now" button at the bottom. To make it look more legit, fake Facebook comments from different "people" about the "news article" (the site says 600+ comments, but clicking "view more" doesn't do move!). Each Facebook profile made to look incredibly real, with real looking photos, location info, like info, hundreds of "friends" etc.

Anyway, this might be old hat to some of you guys, but this is the first time I've seen the length this guy put into the campaign, so felt the need to share.

This isn't blackhat SEO, this is hacking/cracking. Hence the several references to hacking, but it is BlackHat Hacking. The original term blackhat was used for hackers before all this SEO and internet marketing nonsense. So yeah, it's blackhat, not SEO, but hacking. BHW is the best place for that, at Wickedfire we stay in the realm of "web marketing" with our blackhat techniques. This is straight up jail time.

Good luck bro.
Hackers Hijack Millions of Computers For Online Ad Scam

Keep thinking you are untouchable living in bumfuck bulgaria or wherever you're from. I don't really like the fact that the FBI uses our tax dollars to investigate and pursue people in other countries, but they do.

LOl, Bulgaria is part of the EU, and I am not any more safe here, than in the USA.

The Ukraine and other coutries, on the other hand lol

if you think that some stupid spam mailing with rebills is black hat.. hahaaha
This isn't blackhat SEO, this is hacking/cracking. Hence the several references to hacking, but it is BlackHat Hacking. The original term blackhat was used for hackers before all this SEO and internet marketing nonsense. So yeah, it's blackhat, not SEO, but hacking. BHW is the best place for that, at Wickedfire we stay in the realm of "web marketing" with our blackhat techniques. This is straight up jail time.

Good luck bro.

Yep agreed with you on that. No way in heck am I condoning this, by the way, because everyone is right - this is straight-up hacking (as I mentioned in the post) as well as fraud (wonder how much Fox would sue him for if they found out).
I was just impressed at the lengths he went - particularly in the small details like building very legit looking Facebook profiles, just to "post comments" on the "news article".
Yep agreed with you on that. No way in heck am I condoning this, by the way, because everyone is right - this is straight-up hacking (as I mentioned in the post) as well as fraud (wonder how much Fox would sue him for if they found out).
I was just impressed at the lengths he went - particularly in the small details like building very legit looking Facebook profiles, just to "post comments" on the "news article".

it's not hacking, it's cracking. Even cracking is pushing it lol. It's just some punk doing bruteforce attacks and using some pitty botnet as STMP farm.
Oh and blackhat does not necessarily = fraud.

But building a lander that completely rips off a legit site by copying their logo, layout etc is most definitely copyright infringement and trying to appear AS that site (ie "impersonation") is most definitely fraud.

Add to that the hacking of both email accounts and sites to drive the traffic, and thats a loooooong list of offences that would get some tidy time in prison.
it's not hacking, it's cracking. Even cracking is pushing it lol. It's just some punk doing bruteforce attacks.

He might have cracked the email accounts, but the website that he took over (to run the redirect) was definitely hacked. He buried the redirect deep in an obscure WordPress folder, meanwhile the main homepage looked like normal, so the site owner probably has no idea he's been hacked.