Impove memory pills

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I need a life
Jul 31, 2006
Does anyone take any pills to improve memory and concentration? Other than aderall=(...I really want something to help my memory because i seem to be the most forgetful person alive.

I take amp ergopharm...haven't in a long time but that shit works great. That or train your brain with that brain age game on the DS. :p
Adderall doesn't improve your memory, it just helps you concentrate and absorb information better. If you smoked too much pot in HS like me, then you will have to wait out the years it takes to get your short term memory back up to it's original state. No pills, books, or acupuncture will help you.
My grandfather had photographic memory, and he was once trying to explain to me how he is able to retain so much data. He was also a savant, in the memory and mathematics area, so it was way beyond anything I could ever comprehend. But it was cool because he said that he remembered things by colors and distorted types of images, rather than just by raw numbers or data.

My uncle is also a savant, and knows every road, street, avenue etc in the entire world. How he does it, I don't even know. But the guy is like a GPS/Mapquest program. Put it this way, he was in France about 10 years ago and some fellow Americans asked him for directions, and not only did he give them precise ones, but he had never been to where they wanted to go, and was able to also tell them which lanes to stay in to avoid traffic, what exits or things to look at on the road to assist them as well. He's fucking brilliant.
Is his name TomTom by chance? :)


You win the award of making me laugh and getting water to come out of my nose. Good job Ben. I'm docking you for pay now for the cost of a bib so from now on when I read your posts I don't look like I spit all over myself and pissed myself.
i envy ppl with crazy skills-photographic memory, perfect pitch, insanely fast reading skills and guys think it's built into you or just a particular way they think that makes it all work?

I heard a lot about the ginkgo biloba. Might try some of that. When i say have bad memory, i mean i have very bad memory(im not retarded, but close). i could go somewhere and forget where i am and for what reason. when i finally remember, i find out im in the completely wrong place=/ haha. bah...gotta write a paper=( procrastination...
Adderall doesn't improve your memory, it just helps you concentrate and absorb information better. If you smoked too much pot in HS like me, then you will have to wait out the years it takes to get your short term memory back up to it's original state. No pills, books, or acupuncture will help you.

Mine still isn't there :)
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