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Yeah for mindless jingoism.

Too bad you glorify the violators of the Constitution that establishes the Republic, rather than the basis or ideals of the Republic itself.

You're quite amusing. Maybe you can entertain my guests at an upcoming social engagement. What's your paypal email address?
I sense that you have a problem with Imperialism... what exactly would that be?
Because this


inevitably leads to this


It's called the Road to Serfdom (the actual book written by Nobel Prize winning economist FA Hayek). When you worship politicians, you get tyranny. When you rely on politics to solve problems, you get a police state.

And based on what Obama has done since winning the election, it's just more of the same. He's already talking about breaking more of his election promises. So much for change you can believe in. But then, I've been saying that for 6 months. Politicians can't change the world, they can only reorganize it, and usually for the benefit of military contractors, not starving children or homeless veterans.
You're quite amusing. Maybe you can entertain my guests at an upcoming social engagement. What's your paypal email address?
If they are as obtuse as you are about economics, I might be inclined to pay my own way. Marxists are usually a bad investment, but sometimes you can get joy from exposing how intellectually bankrupt they are.
For all the sheeple that think that the United States is about to go under some radical transformation, you're right; In addition to continuing endless unconstitutional wars, aggressive military efforts around the world in continuation of the empire, we're also about to lose any sort of civil liberties and freedoms we may have once had.

Imperialism will continue - doens't matter who's at the helm. Remember, GW Bush ran on a "humble foreign policy", "no nation building".

Pay particular attention to the G20 summit going on right now, where world leaders are taking the first steps to impose a new financial world order. The problem is that this summit won't end the problems of inflation and fiat currency.

If you want a really good read to brush up on how we got to where we are today:

G-20 Summit: A New World Order? - Seeking Alpha

(I'd also recommend reading all of gueilla's posts)
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