Immortality only 20 years away.

Only chance of that happening is if we manage to solve the overpopulation crisis (water, food, energy, living in space, etc.).

Otherwise, that cat will never be allowed out of the bag.
There is no overpopulation crisis, it's just that the very few own pretty much everything. If you feel so strongly about it, please volunteer to kill yourself. Oh wait.. not your family right? Another family but not yours is causing the perceived problem you read about online you faggot.
There is no overpopulation crisis, it's just that the very few own pretty much everything. If you feel so strongly about it, please volunteer to kill yourself. Oh wait.. not your family right? Another family but not yours is causing the perceived problem you read about online you faggot.

Really? Everywhere in the world has an abundance of fresh water? Nobody is dieing of diseases due to the fact they don't have access to fresh water and sanitation?
The overpopulation has been a manufactured crisis. People are being forced into urban areas for economic reasons. Such a high concentration of people in select areas helps to sell the overpopulation myth.

Add to this the fact that a lot of people have lost the ability function without technology, and you have people willing to live in their own shit before they would go live off the land.
Really? Everywhere in the world has an abundance of fresh water? Nobody is dieing of diseases due to the fact they don't have access to fresh water and sanitation?

everywhere in the world does not have an abundance of fresh water, but thats the problem of those regions. millions of africans dying says nothing about the state of overpopulation halfway around the globe.
everywhere in the world does not have an abundance of fresh water, but thats the problem of those regions. millions of africans dying says nothing about the state of overpopulation halfway around the globe.

Really? The West isn't having any issues with fresh water supply?

Las Vegas Tries to Prevent a Water Shortage - Popular Mechanics

Or for example, haven't you ever been told by your municipality that the water level is low, so only even numbered houses can water their lawns on Mon and Wed, and odd numbered houses on Tues and Thurs?

What do you think will happen if no action is taken? Problem will get better or worse?
Really? The West isn't having any issues with fresh water supply?

Las Vegas Tries to Prevent a Water Shortage - Popular Mechanics

Or for example, haven't you ever been told by your municipality that the water level is low, so only even numbered houses can water their lawns on Mon and Wed, and odd numbered houses on Tues and Thurs?

What do you think will happen if no action is taken? Problem will get better or worse?

The valid points you raise dont oppose mine in any way. Two different issues.

Las vegas is a city built right in the middle of the desert. A monument to our decadence. Dont you think its ridiculous that it lasted that long? Still, the remaining country could absorb the las vegas population easily without getting into fresh water problems.

no, i have never been told by my municipality that theres a water shortage. i dont really know what a municipality even is.

the problems will get worse for those regions that consume more water than their surroundings can provide. this is a regional problem and has nothing to do with "the US being overpopulated". if water ever became a serious problem, some company would have a saltwater purification device ready within a month. these arent hard to build. the problem is that theyre cost ineffective which will change rapidly during a water shortage.
Fucking hell, I thought I'd jumped back in time then. That Sun interview was posted in 2009. I'm a big fan of Kurzweil, but to halt and reverse the ageing process plus mastering Nanotechnology in 17 years is pretty ambitious.
These projections are always wrong. Scientists in the 50's said we'd have nuclear fusion by 2000. We might know how to do it within 20 years, but we won't be doing it.

we had fusion by 2000. in the same manner, we will have age reversing substances and nanotechnology in 1 or 2 labs by 2030.
Immortality is already available. As long as you take 3 capsules a day you will live forever. It reverses signs of aging as well. All for less than $5 a day. Let me go find the links
In the article - he makes an assumption, but doesn't back it up with specific scientific theories that can be applied, tested, and researched.

So just because he thinks there is a possibility that type of technology will be available is nothing more than a personal opinion based on totally non-relative facts like the worlds advancement with computers.

Fact is, most religions believe you can "spiritually" over take your body. Science believes you can re-engineer.

Science deals with after facts. I mean we have a sun, so we use mass and motion to define other things like time. The sun circulates 365 days around the earth. The sun is a fixed parameter when defining years, months, hours, days, the weather, harvest, etc.

But science doesn't have an answer for where the sun came from, or why it is perfectly positioned around the earth and other stars. Nothing up there is random. In fact, if the sun was to close to this earth, we'd all burn to hell, and if it was to far, we'd freeze.

The fact that we our born into bodies that have every organ on the exception of teeth (so that we don't bite our mothers nipples off) is even more profound proof of an overall creator. But then Im not here to suggest religion, rather just to say that science is nothing other than the study of elements that we can measure.

Things before this worlds existence like perhaps the Sun, moon and stars and of course our gene code is great to study - but I doubt it can be conquered. Unless God himself shows up - on this earth it would lead to Hitlers with "supreme society".

You have countries, governments and kings who require "power" and "your taxes" to ensure that this world never unites under a solid one race - let alone conquer immortality. But seriously, imagine you - the simple person - being immortal to the king, government, or country your from. Immortal suggests you the laws of this world relative to death don't apply, so obviously there is no "fear" factor.

Trust me, that isn't going to happen soon - at least not for the peasants of this world. Btw - loved Justin Timberlakes movie on the subject. Didn't get at first how he was dancing with "mom" who looked his own age - but if you can get passed that, it's a great flick.
we had fusion by 2000. in the same manner, we will have age reversing substances and nanotechnology in 1 or 2 labs by 2030.

Isn't that basically exactly what I said?

Sure we may have substances and nanotechnology, but there won't be a person out there that has their red blood cells fully replaced, or someone actively getting younger physically or whatever. I.e. people won't be immortal. We may know exactly how we can do it, and have the material available - we just won't yet have everything in place to begin giving it to humans etc.

Much in the same way that we've never generated a useful amount of power from nuclear fusion to date.
Isn't that basically exactly what I said?

Sure we may have substances and nanotechnology, but there won't be a person out there that has their red blood cells fully replaced, or someone actively getting younger physically or whatever. I.e. people won't be immortal. We may know exactly how we can do it, and have the material available - we just won't yet have everything in place to begin giving it to humans etc.

Much in the same way that we've never generated a useful amount of power from nuclear fusion to date.

thats because kurzweil is an over-optimistic retard who gets taken advantage of by the medias sensationalism bs. meanwhile switzerland is getting eaten from the inside by synthetic lhc-blackholes to guiles theme playing the background. they make news out of non-news. its their job. luckily, reality aint a hollywood movie.
I don't read too much life extension literature (so I apologize in advance if what I'm about to ask sounds/is stupid) but there are some things I don't understand about the commonly talked about concepts and I hope some of the better informed WF members can help.

Papajohn? Cardine?

Here it goes:

In my opinion, there's only ONE viable life extension approach: backups.

Even if there will be major breakthroughs (and I'm sure that will be the case), you can still die in a car accident or get shot... you get the point.

So again, backups are the only solution.

Something like constantly backing up your brain, storing the information on multiple storage mediums and uploading that information to a new "body" or computer whenever necessary.

If you die in a car accident, say goodbye to your old body. The body will be toast but "you" won't die because family members or insurance companies or whoever will upload the backups to a new body or computer.

The same principle would apply if you get shot or die for any other reason.

The main dilemma I have is this:

Let's assume you die and that the backups will be uploaded to FIVE new bodies instead of one.

What would happen?

Would there still be a "you" or would all of the five "individuals" be nothing but clones?

If the answer is that they would be nothing but clones, then it's fairly safe to assume that even if the backups are uploaded to just one body, it would still be a clone and not you.

Therefore, "you" died and the only thing/person that's left behind is an individual with your memories programmed to think like you.