Im Sorta A Noob, Have Made 5k in a month

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New member
May 30, 2008
Hey guys

Im new to the forum, recently got back from ASE where I met Jon, and lots of other great people.

I kinda need some guidance, I have a couple of issues, but id like to start off by saying ive been doign internet related stuff for about 6 years, and have recently started goign hardcore with affiliate marketing for about the last year.

I had a great campaign working for me on the content network, which brought me consistent sales from 100-300 a day, my best month ever has been about 5k in sales. So I guess I knwo what to do, or do i?

This campaign has now completely dried up, I was doing Satellite TV for PC, which is now preety much banned by google, even though i still see ads.

My problem is since this campaign has failed I havent managed to get another good campaign rolling yet.

I need some guidance, and I feel like im very close to taking things to the next level, but then again who knows.

A big question I got his how do people go about there market research, if they do any?

What do people think of clickbank, from what I gather, all the money is in CPA?

Whats the best way to outsource complete webpages with sales copy, I want someone who really knows what he or she is doing, as far as outsourcing goes, i get the feeling that salescopy, and headers will have to be done by yourself, if you want to make the big bucks?!

Other then this I have read lots of ebooks, but dont knwo how to apply things properly I guess. Im not really that good at webdesign, but can make simple LP's i guess.

The big question i guess is do you start by pickgin a product or pickign a niche, if its picking a niche, how do you know what to pick?

As you can tell i proly seem confused, which I am to an extent or am i?

Have any of you been where i am presently at?

Perfect example of "don't keep all your eggs in one basket"! Diversify, have a backup system making you money apart from your main money maker in case things like these happen.. and they almost always do!

My 2 cents
What flyboy said.
If you're entirely reliant on the one thing, the moment it goes down, you're screwed.

And delete the eBooks. Unless they're fiction or technical manuals, they're useless.
Web design can be outsourced.

Satellite for PC stuff hasn't been banned, but a lot of it wasn't delivering.
We have a program for it that suffered because of that. It also doesn't do so well thanks to the bajillion people that scrape Google and Hulu feeds now. People just go to those sites for a quick fix of entertainment now.

Have you tried other entertainment media niches?
You've obviously got some idea of driving traffic for entertainment stuff already.

Market research isn't all that hard. I'd recommend picking the product, and then picking up a thesaurus and seeing if there's a niche that hasn't been advertised to for that particular product yet... i.e. diet pills --> speed freaks heheh
Seriously though, reading the entertainment & sports news on a daily basis is great for keywords that are going to be relevant for the next 24-96 hours.
Don't forget that Google also has a host of great tools for looking at what people have been after, and the growth in certain search traffic.
Quantcast is also pretty useful, but only for traffic from the USA really.
Perfect example of "don't keep all your eggs in one basket"! Diversify, have a backup system making you money apart from your main money maker in case things like these happen.. and they almost always do!

My 2 cents

yup stupid me, i tired transferring this campaign over to yahoo, no success :(
i also tried 7 search :(
What flyboy said.
If you're entirely reliant on the one thing, the moment it goes down, you're screwed.

And delete the eBooks. Unless they're fiction or technical manuals, they're useless.
Web design can be outsourced.

Satellite for PC stuff hasn't been banned, but a lot of it wasn't delivering.
We have a program for it that suffered because of that. It also doesn't do so well thanks to the bajillion people that scrape Google and Hulu feeds now. People just go to those sites for a quick fix of entertainment now.

Have you tried other entertainment media niches?
You've obviously got some idea of driving traffic for entertainment stuff already.

Market research isn't all that hard. I'd recommend picking the product, and then picking up a thesaurus and seeing if there's a niche that hasn't been advertised to for that particular product yet... i.e. diet pills --> speed freaks heheh
Seriously though, reading the entertainment & sports news on a daily basis is great for keywords that are going to be relevant for the next 24-96 hours.
Don't forget that Google also has a host of great tools for looking at what people have been after, and the growth in certain search traffic.
Quantcast is also pretty useful, but only for traffic from the USA really.

i understand what your saying, but where do i start :(
Start by searching for a product on an affiliate network. Then do some research on it (i.e how many times its searched for using wordtracker, think of synonyms like HarveyJ suggested and plug those into wordtracker, etc.) See whats popular and think of creative ways to get that traffic to your site.
Start by searching for a product on an affiliate network. Then do some research on it (i.e how many times its searched for using wordtracker, think of synonyms like HarveyJ suggested and plug those into wordtracker, etc.) See whats popular and think of creative ways to get that traffic to your site.

okay i wanan go with this acai berry weight loss offer, it seems promising, and i feel that if i target the health fanatics it will do great. I guess i will target some .com health websites as well and weight loss websites.

my next question is how do i direct link to this without google going all crazy, i have a preety decent seod site which i can use for the lander, but i guess i need to cloak the url so googles dosent snap correct? if so whats the best script to use?

and if i do use a redirect can i still put in meta tags or somethign so google dosent get mad

anyways off to research who would want this crap lol
^if you think its crap why bother trying to sell it?

i personally like the acai berry and find it beneficial to my body.. though i would be less likely to buy an acai product from someone who is obviously only in it to make money rather than someone who sincerely believes in the product. granted, it is not always possible to guess who is sincere and who is not on the internet... but i have pretty good feelers and can usually sense when someone is out just to take my money for some "crap" that they are selling.

ps--the acai berry is one of the reasons the governments of south america have slowed down the destruction of the amazon... the reason being its a big money maker.

pss--health products could be a good way to go if you want to make money at this point in time. the baby boomers are getting to that age where they are getting older and want to preserve/improve their health..and they are one of the largest groups controlling the world's markets today.
shodka8, i hope my post was helpful to you and not too blunt. it is simply my humble opinion...and reading that you think something you want to make money off of is crap prompted me to type my very first post here. ..and i signed up here over a year ago! i tend to say nothing until i feel i have something relevant to add or there is already so much verbal clutter to sift through on the net as it is.
^if you think its crap why bother trying to sell it?

i personally like the acai berry and find it beneficial to my body.. though i would be less likely to buy an acai product from someone who is obviously only in it to make money rather than someone who sincerely believes in the product. granted, it is not always possible to guess who is sincere and who is not on the internet... but i have pretty good feelers and can usually sense when someone is out just to take my money for some "crap" that they are selling.

ps--the acai berry is one of the reasons the governments of south america have slowed down the destruction of the amazon... the reason being its a big money maker.

pss--health products could be a good way to go if you want to make money at this point in time. the baby boomers are getting to that age where they are getting older and want to preserve/improve their health..and they are one of the largest groups controlling the world's markets today.

Im just joking, I actually want to try it out, ive heard of the brand mona vie, if i targeted those keywords such as "buy monavie" i wonder if it would convert
shodka8, i hope my post was helpful to you and not too blunt. it is simply my humble opinion...and reading that you think something you want to make money off of is crap prompted me to type my very first post here. ..and i signed up here over a year ago! i tend to say nothing until i feel i have something relevant to add or there is already so much verbal clutter to sift through on the net as it is.

I respect the post for sure, i agree with you, this business is about giving value and recieving it back as well. I wanan promote acai berry because I am somewhat of a health fanatic.
I respect the post for sure, i agree with you, this business is about giving value and recieving it back as well. I wanan promote acai berry because I am somewhat of a health fanatic.

me too

good luck with it! if you were able to make 5k in a month can do it again. ..and surpass it too if you want. ;)
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