I'm sad to report - we lost a WF Member...

Only Knew him from here.. Too Young Bro, Too Young .. It's a Sad day for WF, Family and Friends.

R.I.P Daniel

How fragile and finite life truly is.

"A Parent should never have to bury their Child."

As a parent now I can't even fathom the pain ...


I didn't know him personally but he was an awesome member of the board and seemed like a great guy. Sad to see him go. :(
RIP brother
When I was younger I had a fucked childhood and always thought I would live fast and die young, anything over 19 was a blessing.... I'm 33 now and thriving.
Similar here. I am pretty sure life starts at 40.

I didn't know him personally but he was an awesome member of the board and seemed like a great guy. Sad to see him go. :(
This ^^^
He who has gone, so we but cherish his memory, abides with us, more potent, nay, more present than the living man. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Way. To. Fucking. Young.

Damn, only 19 yrs old... Tell his dad we send our condolences. If there is a fund or donation link, I'd like to make one on behalf of WickedFire to his family. RIP.
Tragic, cut down in the prime of his life. But I believe we live on...

'Life is real, life is earnest
And the grave is not it's goal.
Dust thou art,to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul - Henry W Longfellow
Damn, that's wayyyy too young. RIP, brotha! We never spoke, but I have lost friends at a young age and that is very sad. RIP. My heart goes out to your father and the rest of your family.