Im Quitting My Deadend Job

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"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." - Henry Ford

Add another vote to the "Just fucking do it" pile. Especially since you live at home.

I will say this - as someone who makes most of their money from 'natural seo'. The bulk of what I made today I put work into a year or six months ago.

I agree with this statement completely. Natural SEO sites are like corporate sales jobs. What you make today is a result of what you did 3-6 months ago.

I have sites that are Natural SEO and they do bank, but they are all about long term gains and plans, not short term hits.
1. fuck school - its a system designed to route out the disobedient (like all of us mostly)
2. fuck your boss - that doesnt mean quit - if its logically financially to stay then do it, just put in the bare minimal and spend brain time on your own pursuits. Every minute doing something menial for the boss is his ££ but theres a stage where we all should do it, if even just to get a lump together.
3. do it, know your going to do it and plan. Having a job and running an online empire is heavy work, but doable - so like all these guys say - run both in line for a while, even if your nonsulent at work itll take a few months of nonsulent work for your boss to even realise let alone go through the bullshit we have in the uk to sack you. You could always go mid way and get a better job in the mean time - I live in the uk and £16k is low man, whats your skillset?
1. fuck school - its a system designed to route out the disobedient (like all of us mostly)
2. fuck your boss - that doesnt mean quit - if its logically financially to stay then do it, just put in the bare minimal and spend brain time on your own pursuits. Every minute doing something menial for the boss is his ££ but theres a stage where we all should do it, if even just to get a lump together.
3. do it, know your going to do it and plan. Having a job and running an online empire is heavy work, but doable - so like all these guys say - run both in line for a while, even if your nonsulent at work itll take a few months of nonsulent work for your boss to even realise let alone go through the bullshit we have in the uk to sack you. You could always go mid way and get a better job in the mean time - I live in the uk and £16k is low man, whats your skillset?

I agree with what you are saying, I'm a pretty good designer (logos, full web design, landing pages etc.) and I also write moderately well. To be honest the job I'm currently doing is hell, I manage 200+ properties and handle over 200 grand in rent per month - paying out to landlords, chasing rent etc. etc. etc. its an absolute shitty job and even worsely paid; I'm starting to fall behind in the workload too while my colleagues twiddle their thumbs.

Initially as I said I was their IT 'admin' (more like admin, manager, troubleshooter, web designer, branding, marketing) and being paid 2k less, I now do both jobs and they added 2k on.

I'm actually about to throw $500 at a campaign to test the waters and see what I can achieve, was thinking Yahoo to start off with.

Once again thank you guys for all the helpful comments, it is great to see people chipping in with their own personal stories and I appreciate it.
Just a little update for those that are interested. I have finally handed in my notice for the job, and it is such a weight off my shoulders - however I have amicably agreed to continue to do a bit of computer work for them at the weekend which will bring in a consistant cheque at least.

I also have decided not to immediately look for another full time job, the way I see it, one logo or landing page per day would pretty much leave me with the same amount of money.

I will be starting a thread in the marketplace soon.

Thank you again guys, you have helped me so much.
Work this year and quit. Spend your free time on AM and save as much as you can over the next 12 months.
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