I'm Paranoid. How do I Disappear?

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Old Goat

New member
May 5, 2008
Question: If I move will my IP address change? Is across town far enough?

When the apple was set up, my daughter's name was put on it, so it clearly says it is her computer. Can that be changed? Do all of your computer's say your name on it?

She is not so happy with some of the things I have accessed on her computer. I know there is a way to be cloaked or something. Do any of you do that? Any suggestions on where to start?

If your internet connection was on residential hookup, the IP address changes regularly. Course if you did something criminal, and feds or whoever has a record of it, they could also supeona the ISP for the ownership of the IP address at such and such time.

But if its just some stupid shit like browsing some porn sites and such... just clear the cache, history , yada yada yada. Not like they're gona send someone after ya.

When you visit websites, you generally automatically give your IP, cookies (which may contain some information depending on what you previously inputed), and via javascript might collect data like your operating system, screen resolution and what city you're in and so forth.

If you're truly paranoid when browsing
Safari : Enable private browsing.
IE: They got something similar coming up in IE8
Firefox : AdBlockPlus, and NoScript plugins.

Only way to hide your IP is to go thru a proxy server, and to get one that's not transparent cost money.

Most OEM computers have the buyer's name on it, depending on what the person entered during registration. (OSX and Windows both as your name when starting up, even if you don't register... you can chose not to be accurate, and not sure why it matters since that information is not readily available to the web thru the machine).
Oooh, my specialty.

First of all, always clear your browser cache whenever you close your browser. I'd recommend Firefox. Note that this doesn't actually wipe your browsing history, it just makes it harder to find. See my third point.

Second of all, use a proxy if you don't want the sites you're accessing to keep logs of your IP. Use several if you're really paranoid. There's a huge list of web proxies at proxy.org.

Third, deleting a file doesn't actually delete it. Use a disk wipe utility. I recommend eraser.

Fourth, if you need to keep files on your drive that you don't want anybody to see, use encryption. I'd recommend TrueCrypt.

Fifth, if you really want to browse securely, use a VPN in a non-extradition country, or use Tor, which is kinda complicated.

Sixth, if you're in "oh shit" mode, physically destroy your hard drive. I'm not talking about hammer to drive, I'm talking send it off to a shredder.
Thank you for the info. I will look into it. My daughter was nervous about her name being on the computer's registration, and did not want to be associated with some of the things I've stumbled into... like that dick rolling business.

I will show her your recommendations so we can clear my surfing history and I can get out of trouble.:bowdown:
Oooh, my specialty.

First of all, always clear your browser cache whenever you close your browser. I'd recommend Firefox. Note that this doesn't actually wipe your browsing history, it just makes it harder to find. See my third point.

Second of all, use a proxy if you don't want the sites you're accessing to keep logs of your IP. Use several if you're really paranoid. There's a huge list of web proxies at proxy.org.

Third, deleting a file doesn't actually delete it. Use a disk wipe utility. I recommend eraser.

Fourth, if you need to keep files on your drive that you don't want anybody to see, use encryption. I'd recommend TrueCrypt.

Fifth, if you really want to browse securely, use a VPN in a non-extradition country, or use Tor, which is kinda complicated.

Sixth, if you're in "oh shit" mode, physically destroy your hard drive. I'm not talking about hammer to drive, I'm talking send it off to a shredder.

PS: He's using a mac.
All of those tools are open source, meaning I'd assume they have OS X versions.

Not necessarily, unless you assume he can compile it specifically for the darwin port himself. Example, the eraser you recommended " Works with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 2003 Server and DOS. "

Only did truecrypt have an OSX version. I was just mentioning he was on a mac, because you could then tweak your advice some. And why use truecrypt when there's already filevault for OSX built in.

I'm just wondering what the great urgency is... not like he was trying to get kiddy porn off usenet or something...
Well, what started this was my clicking on a link the made flying peckers spin around the screen.:throwup:

I'm a new computer user and I could not stop it. Had to go get my son-in-law and let me tell you... that was embarrassing. Then they want to know how that got on the screen and I said all I did was click on a link about getting ads approved on Face Book.... get the picture? Now my daughter is worried about what in the world I've put on her computer.

She read your suggestions and isn't as worried as before... but I sometimes end up in places I wasn't looking for... I just didn't want her to worry. I'm still learning. For example... I found the vomit smilie! She would not approve of the pecker smilies on her computer - so I'm staying away form those!
Ahh, you got dickrolled. Just simply block makemoniesonline.com , browsing privately isn't going to prevent dickrolling. But one of the following would.

1) Modifying the /etc/host file with a new line makemoniesonline.com

will prevent the site from loading at it's normal address

2) Using adblock on firefox, you can manually block that domain.

3) Installing noscript on firefox will prevent the javascript from preventing you from leaving the site if you accidently click it.

and a few other method.

Nothing got onto the computer, other than an unpleasant experience. (clearly the browser cache will remove the cached copy of the .swf)
Tell your daughter to chill. I would say the whole giving her life thing more than makes up for a few bad links on her precious mac.

I was going to tell you to get your own computer; instead make your daughter buy you one.
I just laughed at this thread for a good while.

I hope it's not bs, because your name old goat leads me to believe it is.

Oh... that was nasty! :ugone2far:I thought it was going to be photo of ... livestock.

People... DO NOT click on droplister's link. And I would appreciate my name not being linked to such... wait for it.....:throwup:

Glad she wasn't in the room for that.
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