Just thought I'd post a quick update on my progress, for myself if no one else. I'm still in phase 1a (see the previous post), but am making good headway. Have managed to keep up the consistency of getting up between 4:30am and 5:30am every weekday morning to work on Systemizer (4:45am this morning) and the API is starting to show progress as a result. I understand some (many, even?) people don't really have a good understanding of what I'm building (as some have contacted me and asked), so I'll try to briefly explain:
With my product, you can automate almost any online process. For existing online businesses, such as affiliate marketers and their teams, you'll be able to chain a lot of your manual processes together into automated workflows. You'll be able to create advanced scraping/autoposting scenarios, you'll be able to connect with other third-party APIs and you'll be able to have your workflow respond automatically to changing conditions, i.e. not performing certain processes until others have been completed.
I know that sounds kind of abstract, so here's a different way of thinking about it. First, go and have a look at ifttt.com and get an idea of what it does. Now imagine if you could chain lots of those actions and triggers together using something like Yahoo Pipes, but with advanced website automation (scraping/posting/screenshotting/captcha-solving) thrown into the mix. Now imagine you can build a useful system and reuse it over and over again, or even box up what you've built and label it and reuse it as a singular entity in another, larger system.
Finally, you can add many users to your account and each of them can have their own set of access permissions within your system(s), which means you can build an automation product and have Systemizer do all the hard work while hidden behind your website's front end.
I will make the bold claim that with Systemizer, you'll essentially be able to duplicate all of the functionality in SENukeX, but also automate your team's interaction with the product and so forth.
Anyway, my progress so far:
* Proxy management API is completed and documented
* Push notification API is completed and documented
* Account management API is partially completed, but not yet documented
* Script management API is completed but not documented
* Scheduled automation jobs API is mostly complete but not yet documented
* Browser automation engine is about 70% complete.
* Workflow engine (to allow you to do most things without actually having to write scripts) is about 50% complete.
There are other areas, but they are to be addressed in phase 1c and beyond.