I'll pay $5 to anyone who can sort this out


New member
Aug 16, 2010
As I've said before I'm pretty thick when it comes to HTML and CSS and all that.

So I need someone to sort something out for me. If you can just guide me through it that'd be great.

I've downloaded a theme (wordpress) and my categories show fine, but my longest character category is so long that it has taken up two lines... if you know what I mean. So, I want this category to simply keep going...

Example (let's saying the category name is 'taking dogs for walks')..

Currently it shows:

Taking Dogs For

And I want it to show:

Taking Dogs For Walks

SO, reckon you could help me out? I'll tell you the theme I'm using and you can download it and work it out and then tell me, or if you're crazy good you could tell me straight up.

Any questions let me know, PM me please! Will pay $5 via PayPal.

pm you, give it try, i am not sure it can sort it out, otherwise you can pm me your url, i can use firefox firebug to find out how to fix it
if OP doesn't pay you, out his site. Seriously, won't pay you your 5 bucks? That's lame.
Sorry bro, had loads of stuff to deal with - including work outside of the site, I'm in full-time education.

My PayPal is limited, they randomly limited my account as they do. Signed up for a new bank on Friday, debit card coming between Monday and Saturday.

I will be able to pay between Monday and Saturday, or alternatively I could use a family member's account, but that isn't ideal.

How urgent is $5?
I would do bank transfer but you're in the US (I'm guessing?) and it'd cost me more than the $5 to send it, and more for you to receive it.

Edward can tell you what the fix was exactly, but it was just a stylesheet thing, and I'm hopeless with CSS and any kind of programming which is why I needed someone in the first place.

It was to do with extended the limit that the categories can be, in width.

Again, how urgent is $5? Would you like it within the next 24 hours or ideally wait for my card to come? Up to you really man.. sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.
yes, its just css thing, but fix your issue, that's the point, i remember my bath tap was leaking a little, i got a people come to my house to fix it, he just checked it around and used screw driver to turn it tight, very simple and easy solution, i paid him money, the point is he fixed the problem which i dont know how to fix.
in my previous post, if i am talking not nice, sorry about that, i dont mean to, but if you have situation, you have to give me response and let me know, $5 is nothing to me, i can give you time.
yes, its just css thing, but fix your issue, that's the point, i remember my bath tap was leaking a little, i got a people come to my house to fix it, he just checked it around and used screw driver to turn it tight, very simple and easy solution, i paid him money, the point is he fixed the problem which i dont know how to fix.
in my previous post, if i am talking not nice, sorry about that, i dont mean to, but if you have situation, you have to give me response and let me know, $5 is nothing to me, i can give you time.

I understand. I just asked a member of my family and they don't want me to use their account..

PM me your E-Mail address and I will keep in touch, I will pay next week but is impossible to do so right now. If I don't, you can post my site URL if you wish! I promise I will pay you as soon as I actually can. Awaiting your E-Mail...

EDIT: I have your PayPal address, is this the same as your day-to-day reading E-Mail?
I check this thread everyday, and everyday it's the same. Skint hasn't posted here in 4 days, but he's plenty active in other threads asking for help...

And asking orthogonal questions:

EDIT: I have your PayPal address, is this the same as your day-to-day reading E-Mail?

"Oh, is this your middle name in your email address? Sounds very Scottish! I actually have family from there. Get back to me ASAP."