If you suddenly died?

for everyone who is considering putting together some documents that give detailed explanations of how your business is set up, I can help.

Go ahead and forward all of your documents to me and I will take a look at them for you to let you know if you have explained your system well enough.

Just tryin to help out.
There's no chance that anyone in my family would be able to do what I do and carry it on if I died. Unfortunately my mother depends a lot on my income as she's old and can't even get a minimum wage job. There are too many young people that are willing to work and she has no education. I've tried to put her through college, even a community college but to be honest....she's not very intelligent. I have no idea why I'm so smart as I certainly didn't get it from her, but she really can't work anymore. I've set her up with at LEAST ten online businesses but as soon as I hand the keys over to her, it all goes to shit. I'm definitely setting up a life insurance policy for myself. Since I'm so young, I'm guessing it'll be fairly cheap. But if I die.....I don't know what she'd do.