Idiot move

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It was unbelievable. He's gone from French national hero to nothing within seconds. He'll probably get the blame for the French losing the game, as he was playing really well.

I don't understand how he could do something so stupid in his last game for France at the world cup final in front of a 2 billion tv audience
Ferraristi said:
It was unbelievable. He's gone from French national hero to nothing within seconds. He'll probably get the blame for the French losing the game, as he was playing really well.

I don't understand how he could do something so stupid in his last game for France at the world cup final in front of a 2 billion tv audience
dude, watch this video
that guy was clearly holding zidane, and they've been fucking with him throughout the entire game. just because of this I have more respect for zidane than for any of Italy's players
Ferraristi said:
It was unbelievable. He's gone from French national hero to nothing within seconds.

He hasn't gone to nothing. Regardless of what he had done, he will still be regarded as one of the greatest footballers ever to step foot on the field.

stanley said:
that guy was clearly holding zidane, and they've been fucking with him throughout the entire game. just because of this I have more respect for zidane than for any of Italy's players

You're a moron. Holding a player warrants headbutting them in a World Cup final?

"I shot the guy because he called me a moron, it isn't my fault!" - Stanley

Get an education. I suppose it's hard when you live in the dumbest, most ignorant country in the world right? Before all the patriots start jumping on the bandwagon, let me in advance say: I don't care.
ITALIA said:
Get an education. I suppose it's hard when you live in the dumbest, most ignorant country in the world right? Before all the patriots start jumping on the bandwagon, let me in advance say: I don't care.

With all your superior education, I'd think you would have learned a little respect.
ITALIA said:
Get an education. I suppose it's hard when you live in the dumbest, most ignorant country in the world right? Before all the patriots start jumping on the bandwagon, let me in advance say: I don't care.
lol thanks Italia. I didn't realize my personal opinion somehow represents the ignorance of my entire country.

With all your superior education, I'd think you would have learned a little respect.
it's always easier to be tough on the Internet than in real life, he's using it to his advantage.
ITALIA said:
Yeah, I have for one. Can't believe he did that!
LOL! Anyone, who posts they're computers retarded stats cant be older then around 15. Go to hell! :censure:- And you live in the dumbest, most ingorant country jackass.
kyleirwin said:
With all your superior education, I'd think you would have learned a little respect.

I've learnt respect. Nobody gets mine.

stanley said:
lol thanks Italia. I didn't realize my personal opinion somehow represents the ignorance of my entire country.

You're totally correct. It respresents your knowledge of comprehension. Not much!

Read what I said. :rolleyes:

stanley said:
it's always easier to be tough on the Internet than in real life, he's using it to his advantage.

I guess every message board in the world with atleast a half-wit community is full of tough guys then. Because expressing an opinnion or stating facts makes you tough. :rolleyes:

imagenesis said:
LOL! Anyone, who posts they're computers retarded stats cant be older then around 15. Go to hell! :censure:- And you live in the dumbest, most ingorant country jackass.

Nice generalisation, moron. It's quite a system actually, for somebody who can't be older than around fifteen. If that is the case as you've stated, it really puts things into perspective over the contrast in intelligence on an age ratio between Australia and America.

I live in the dumbest, most ignorant country? Thanks. Why don't you go watch Supersize Me? It's quite funny knowing that there are Americans who know the Big Mac commercial theme song more than their National Anthem. Hah.

This ends now patriots. I'll be frank, I don't give a damn, and that statement starts from now, so waste all the time you like, but atleast waste it on something constructive, maybe like learning your national anthem?

imagenesis said:
LOL! Anyone, who posts they're computers retarded stats cant be older then around 15. Go to hell! :censure:- And you live in the dumbest, most ingorant country jackass.

lol, it's funny cos you have a small penis.
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