Icon Buffet - free icons

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
Does anyone else subscribe to Icon Buffet's (http://www.iconbuffet.com/) free icon packages that get delivered once monthly? They allow you to deliver the icons you've gotten to friends (up to five times). I thought we could help each other fill in the gaps in what we've been sent.

Here are the packages I currently possess:

Helsinki Hi-Fi
Manhattan Symbol
Modena Alfanumerico Cool
Oslo Atmosphere
Taipei Night Market
Tower Grove Wedding

I'm especially looking for Manhattan Finance, Oslo Finance, and Tower Grove Melee, but I'm willing to trade for anything. PM me if you want to trade.

Just design, sticking them on sites where they'd fit. They're royalty free so you can do whatever you like with them.
They have really great icons, but it's a shame they're so damn expensive. Something just doesn't feel right about paying $240 for these tiny little gif images.
Ah, looks promising :D .

JDA, I signed up and PM'd you my email address... could you please send me over the icons you've received... I'll do the same in the future and would greatly appreciate it.
A really good icon set is a lot of work, not surprised that people would charge a lot for it.
Alright Kyle, I sent you what I have too.

I now have 3 of everything (you get five deliveries), so if anyone else wants them just PM me.

And remember, I'm looking for sets I don't have!
Actually scratch that, here is what I have left:

Helsinki Hi-Fi - 3 deliveries
Manhattan Symbol - 3 deliveries
Modena Alfanumerico Cool - 2 deliveries
Oslo Atmosphere - 1 delivery
Taipei Night Market - 3 deliveries
Tower Grove Wedding - 3 deliveries
K, I now have:

Helsinki Hi-Fi - 2 deliveries
Manhattan Symbol - 2 deliveries
Modena Alfanumerico Cool - 1 deliveries
Taipei Night Market - 2 deliveries
Tower Grove Wedding - 2 deliveries

PM me with your first name and email address
if you want them.
Yeah, a great site - been a member for a while now :)

The icons I have (with 4-5 deliveries remaining):

- Alexandria Architecture
- Dresden Tournament
Farewell Snow
Mallow Buzz 1
Marseilles Cafe
Modena Alfanumerico Cold
Modena Alfanumerico Cool
Modena Simbolo
Oslo Atmosphere
Shanghai Tech
Taipei Buddies 1
Taipei Monkey
Tower Grove Promenade
Tower Grove Wedding
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