I Will Put This Here

If all you see around you are assholes, perhaps it's because you're coming last.

Get ahead of the rest, and you'll have a bunch of ass-kissers following you.

At this point the question is: do you have what it takes to turn around and look at the mob of angry faces behind you?
Favorite quotes from "The Departed":

Queenan: Do you know what we do here? My section?
Costigan: Sir, yes, sir. I have an idea...
Dignam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's say you have no idea and leave it at that, okay? No idea. Zip. None. If you had an idea of what we do, we would not be good at what we do, now would we? We would be cunts. Are you calling us cunts?
Queenan: Staff Sergeant Dignam has a style of his own. I'm afraid we all have to get used to it.

Bookie: I'm in the hole, I pay him two grand a week. There's no profit, I pay him two grand a week.
Mr. French: Well make more fuckin' money. This is America. You don't make money, then you're a fuckin' douchebag. (pulls out gun)
Mr. French: Now what you ganna do? (kicks him)
Bookie: I'll make more money!
Mr. French: That's the spirit!

Brown: So she tells me, "You never finish anything. You finish the police course, you get taken care of again, baby." So after graduation, I get a blowjob again.
Costigan: That's great. Your mother sounds like a wonderful woman.
Brown: Fuck yourself.

Kneecapped Bankrobber: (after being shot in the knee) I thought you were supposed to go into shock! I'm not in shock! It fuckin' hurts!

Sullivan: Do you know what will happen if you shoot me?
Costigan: Yeah, this bullet will go right through your fucking head!

Ellerby: I'm gonna go have a smoke right now. You want a smoke? You don't smoke, do ya, right? What are ya, one of those fitness freaks, huh? Go fuck yourself.

Ellerby: Go fuck yourself.
Dignam: I'm tired from fucking your wife.
Ellerby: How is your mother?
Dignam: Good, she's tired from fucking my father.

Providence Gangster: Come on Babu, I can't do any more. I can't go off, please don't make me go back empty handed. Please don't do this. I wanna help you.
Pakistani Proprietor: Come to my store next Friday. I'll give you the money...
Providence Gangster: This is Friday Babu, how many times I gotta tell you?
Pakistani Proprietor: You keep calling me Babu, it's 'Singh' motherfucker!
Providence Gangster: I'm trying to help you. Don't you understand?
Pakistani Proprietor: You keep on telling me 'I'm your friend'.
Providence Gangster: Yeah.
Pakistani Proprietor: You don't even know my fucking name!
(Watching Costigan beat up the Providence gangsters, destroying his store in the process)
Pakistani Proprietor: What's wrong with this fucking country? Everybody hates everybody!

Dignam: My theory on Feds is that they're like mushrooms, feed 'em shit keep them in dark.