I want to learn how to make decent websites/landing pages

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New member
Jul 20, 2008
I am new to Affiliate Marketing and have played around with a few campaigns on google, facebook, adsdaq... but I've had to direct link because of my lack of programming skills. I don't have enough dough to be able to consistently outsource this work, even to indians at 4 bucks a hour. I heard w3schools.com is one of the best free places to learn programming/ how to simply make a website. What should I focus on trying to learn to be able to make a simple website/ landing page (this includes how to be able to work ftp accounts)? PHP? HTML? XHTML? What else? Please keep in mind I know nearly nothing about programming. Please go easy on the n00b here

If you can't afford 4 dollars an hour to have basic shit done you may be in the wrong market.

If you want to set up landing pages yourself, you'll have to learn some basic HTML. You can start here.
For basic landing pages, html, css and php should do you well. After your fairly confident with your skills in that area, move on to ruby on rails for a more advanced programming stack.
If you can't afford 4 dollars an hour to have basic shit done you may be in the wrong market.

If you want to set up landing pages yourself, you'll have to learn some basic HTML. You can start here.
For basic landing pages, html, css and php should do you well. After your fairly confident with your skills in that area, move on to ruby on rails for a more advanced programming stack.

Thanks for the responses. I actually was surprised to see that the link was not makemonies lol. I'll start studying up, do you guys know approx. how long it should take someone of (slightly) above average intelligence to be able to grasp html, css, and php well enough to make a decent landing page if I'm fairly dedicated? Thanks
XHTML and CSS is a piece of cake. PHP will take you a little longer. But the concepts aren't hard to grasp. Like most things, it just takes practice.
You should check out O'Reilly's Head First books. I've got 4 of their books. They make it easy to understand and implement. Worth a look.
*sniff* brings my back to my HTML for Dummies days *sniff*

...and those big ass floppies, hey, whens the last time you seen one of those?
*sniff* brings my back to my HTML for Dummies days *sniff*

...and those big ass floppies, hey, whens the last time you seen one of those?

I picked this book up from a book fair at school when I was 12-13. Love at first sight.
I don't know what to tell you man but I'll try.

1. Use w3schools examples thing to see how they do it.
2. Download dreamweaver (torrent or trial, w/e) and learn to use that.
3. Play with photoshop and read mad tutorials and just make mad shit.
4. Look at lots of sites and try to reproduce what they do with photoshop,
5. look at landing pages and learn how they should look.
6. use ur basic knowlegde with html, dreamweaver, and photoshop, and make a lp.

and just so you know... learning html and photoshop well will take you at least 6 months if your just doing a bit a day.
Thanks for the responses. I actually was surprised to see that the link was not makemonies lol. I'll start studying up, do you guys know approx. how long it should take someone of (slightly) above average intelligence to be able to grasp html, css, and php well enough to make a decent landing page if I'm fairly dedicated? Thanks

It depends on the person.

I've been doing sites for 8+ years (on the side) and I'll say it's easy to learn but hard to master. You can patch together a working site in no time, though it'll be a while until you understand the tags and how best to use them.

Learning HTML AND Affiliate Marketing at once...good luck with that.

Oh and Fuck Dreamweaver and whatever other Visial Editors out there. You want to learn HTML? Use notepad (I use notepad ++). Programs will make your life easier but they won't help your education as much as doing it by hand. When you need to troubleshoot a shitload of code, and are able to read through and understand it by viewing the source, you'll thank me.

Feel free to hit me up on aim or pm if you have any specific HTML/CSS questions. By no means am I an HTML master, but I know my shit.
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I am new to Affiliate Marketing and have played around with a few campaigns on google, facebook, adsdaq... but I've had to direct link because of my lack of programming skills. I don't have enough dough to be able to consistently outsource this work, even to indians at 4 bucks a hour. I heard w3schools.com is one of the best free places to learn programming/ how to simply make a website. What should I focus on trying to learn to be able to make a simple website/ landing page (this includes how to be able to work ftp accounts)? PHP? HTML? XHTML? What else? Please keep in mind I know nearly nothing about programming. Please go easy on the n00b here

Wordpress is your friend.
for basic landing pages photoshop > slice > save as HTML is enough
wordpress is your second best option if you need something more than a landing page
I've been doing sites for 8+ years (on the side) and I'll say it's easy to learn but hard to master.

Quoted for truth. Not only is it hard to master a language, learning one just wont do. Between mastering HTML, CSS, and at least one server side language (might as well throw SQL in there as well), you'll also need at least a basic understanding of different production environments as well.

I think this is one of the main pitfalls of web development, there is a ton of fucking shit to get a grasp on, and most of it is constantly changing.
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