I Need Some Advice

About your blog planning -

Working on your blog is like you are walking in dark. Without knowing any outcome. With so much pressure, I do not think that you will produce quality post.
So drop this plan for few months or may be write one or two post in fifteen days.

Remain Project Manager -

This is giving security of finance to your and to your kids and will help to avoid getting things worse. This is one positive thing you have at the moment and you should keep it and bank on it.

Love Coding -

If you love it than I am sure such flame is still there and this will be your wild card for the future. With project manager job you can polish your knowledge once again.

So I would recommend -

Be Project Manager (till you polish your knowledge and ready to bang) + Keep coding & updating yourself + Post once in a week in your blog.

Remember - "Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do"

Just blow your all tension, clear your mind, drink water and LETS DO IT ...

Look This hot mermaid is giving thumbs up to you for fresh start -


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wiredniko, tell us where your at man.

update us

Honestly I have had the current thread and this thread: http://www.wickedfire.com/enlightened-members/144563-dealing-burn-out-suggestions.html that I made 2 years ago open in my browser for the last week. I had totally forgotten about my other entry until I visited that Enlightened Members section and saw my name.

One of the things that hit me hard was how absolutely right you were about not having a proper plan.

I set goals every year and I have a big overarching plan but I don't have a 5 year goal...or a 3 year goal.

My 1 year goals in terms of my online business was crap. Here was my goal, "Make $10,000 from a website", the other 2 are unrelated to self employment.

Make $10,000 is meaningless. It has no direction. To make things even worse I did not even break it down to a plan of attack.

So....for the first couple of days I just sat on my desk after work and just thought about it. What do I want? Why do I want it?...which for some reason led me to Anthony Robbins videos...

Anyway, I started applying to computer programmer jobs because it would allow me to at least do something more related to what I like. Today I actually got an interview, passed it, have the 2nd interview scheduled for tomorrow.

Pretty much I am going with get a programming job...

I also sent my resume to Jon after some discussions about project management but I never heard back from him so I let it be. Usually I pursue things like this but with Jon I feel a little bit intimidated (perhaps?)

This week I have been training for my current work so I have not had time to actually sit down and write my plans down...in all honesty I first have to figure them out and I will by this Sunday.

Then I just have to follow the plan and break it down to weekly and monthly milestones...and I can use my project management skills to do all of that.

Finally I agree that I need to surround myself with people trying to do something similar to what I am doing. Not having other people that either have the same struggles or at least understanding of what I am going through does not hurt me. Luckily through this thread I have gotten a lot of "let's talk on Skype" offers which I am planning on taking advantage off...not to steal all their secrets but more on a "let's talk about stuff".

When I sit down to make my plans I am going to reference your post heavily along with some other comments.
C++ seems like a big leap to become employable, honestly, while supporting a family. I took it in school back in 2000, 2001 and ended up getting my RE license and selling RE instead.

Then at 26 I found a game engine that I could understand. I spent all my free time learning it and C#, and eventually got the skills to land my dream job and haven't looked back. I also do some side work at another company that pays $55/hr.

I work with cool shit, making augmented reality/computer vision apps, kinect + oculus rift apps/games, leap motion apps, I have a couple sphero ar balls for a multiplayer racing game we're creating, and tons of other shit all using the same game engine and C#. And best of all I get paid to learn new API's to do cool shit.
Honestly I have had the current thread and this thread: http://www.wickedfire.com/enlightened-members/144563-dealing-burn-out-suggestions.html that I made 2 years ago open in my browser for the last week. I had totally forgotten about my other entry until I visited that Enlightened Members section and saw my name.

One of the things that hit me hard was how absolutely right you were about not having a proper plan.

I set goals every year and I have a big overarching plan but I don't have a 5 year goal...or a 3 year goal.

My 1 year goals in terms of my online business was crap. Here was my goal, "Make $10,000 from a website", the other 2 are unrelated to self employment.

Make $10,000 is meaningless. It has no direction. To make things even worse I did not even break it down to a plan of attack.

So....for the first couple of days I just sat on my desk after work and just thought about it. What do I want? Why do I want it?...which for some reason led me to Anthony Robbins videos...

Anyway, I started applying to computer programmer jobs because it would allow me to at least do something more related to what I like. Today I actually got an interview, passed it, have the 2nd interview scheduled for tomorrow.

Pretty much I am going with get a programming job...

I also sent my resume to Jon after some discussions about project management but I never heard back from him so I let it be. Usually I pursue things like this but with Jon I feel a little bit intimidated (perhaps?)

This week I have been training for my current work so I have not had time to actually sit down and write my plans down...in all honesty I first have to figure them out and I will by this Sunday.

Then I just have to follow the plan and break it down to weekly and monthly milestones...and I can use my project management skills to do all of that.

Finally I agree that I need to surround myself with people trying to do something similar to what I am doing. Not having other people that either have the same struggles or at least understanding of what I am going through does not hurt me. Luckily through this thread I have gotten a lot of "let's talk on Skype" offers which I am planning on taking advantage off...not to steal all their secrets but more on a "let's talk about stuff".

When I sit down to make my plans I am going to reference your post heavily along with some other comments.

Good deal.

I heavily suggest Agile Results for you. There are a couple of sites to break it down easily for you, but it will not only help you plan out a long term plan, but plan our your every day and week to make sure you reach it.

You need plans down to the daily my friend.
Also learn to outsource/delegate stuff.
Not doing this has almost destroyed me many times. I havent done it because of my "ego" and " i want to do all myself" mentality.

Accept the fact that you cant make it big without outsourcing / having employees/assistants.
My 1 year goals in terms of my online business was crap. Here was my goal, "Make $10,000 from a website", the other 2 are unrelated to self employment.

Make $10,000 is meaningless. It has no direction. To make things even worse I did not even break it down to a plan of attack.

Good analysis. That's a goal, not a plan.

I agree with others that the blog is most likely a time waster, unless you have a clear path to monetize it. I'm not saying to stop it... as I don't really know... maybe it could be a pumper of the future.

Given your earlier statements, this is what I would do if I were you, or at least here are some ideas for you.

I'd roll around webmaster forums looking for ideas. Here, WaFo, WW, DP, ABW, niche specific, etc.

- See what people are asking for.
example: Wordpress pinterest plugin (saw it the the other day)

- Find popular php products that sell a lot. See if you think you can do better, or provide a cheaper price point.
example: extremely lightweight split tester

- use keyword tools to see what webmasters need...

- ask people what they need...

Essentially, find a way to solve problems through coding, or a way to provide enhancements for marketers.

This may not be a product you sell. It may be a light product that you give away in exchange for a responsive webmaster list, or you also retain control of some sort of advertising within the program.

I have some similar things built that have not been brought to market, but that's because I have focus problems and I'm constantly re-evaluating the best use of my time. I often re-prioritize things.

If you come up with a good idea, don't give it away before you build it. Once it's built, market it like a mad dog.

- Upsell
example: Optional installation of the product... write a script for it. Charge X amount, and pay someone else less to do them for you. You may be an installer to start with, but you really want to be an idea person and project manager.

This has been mentioned, but find things to sell on the back end. If your customer already bought something from you and it worked out for them, they're more likely to buy from you again, even if it's a recommendation of someone else's product.

Listen to customers for improvement ideas and implement them. You add value to your product, and if it is worthy, you can sell upgrades to current customers.

See if you can make these things overtake your current income. If nothing else, you should shoot for a nice supplemental income.
why recommend he learns another career if he already knows one well?

he could become a contractor, work a couple contracts, gain experience on how to handle that, get more contracts, hire some guys to do the work for him, 3 years down the line hes got himself a solid business. THEN he can learn that internet shit, if he has to.