I Must Be A Nazi. But Deroy is an imbecile.


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Its true. I'm a censoring communist with fascist goals who also happens to be a Jew. I mean, it must be true right?? Because I nuked some guy who posted videos "helping" everyone learn how to become advertisers or something? I hear he was very offended that I called him an imbecile too, eh? Well, let me just let you folks know, that I still think he is just that, a fucking imbecile. x2 now.

I've also been warned of a lot of backlash here for banning him again. That's great, bring it on, I could care less what any of you pussies say about how I run shit.

Oh yeah, and apparently, I'm doing this because I'm trying to stop people from becoming advertisers. Good one.

For the record, its actually in my best interest for more advertisers to come into the industry. I sold all of my interests in all of the companies that have to do with being advertisers for all products. So, before you make shit up, at least back it up based on the truth. Son! lol

But, I don't have any problem with admitting to being wrong when it happens. Not here, nor anywhere.

I banned the fucker because I have a gut instinct that I've ignored many times before, and always regretted doing so, that when people come here, looking to help people for free, they are doing so with a hidden motive or agenda of ripping you guys off with their seminars, ebooks, newsletters, blogs, forums, whatever else. I know I'm especially jaded these days, but its not like I just woke up one day and poof, I was a jaded guy, no, it took lots of trial and error and experiencing this bullshit over and over again and regretting that I didn't do something when I first had that gut instinct to take care of it then.

The solution:

A compromise.

The imbecile can return with his videos and free advice for all ONLY if Barman (who unbanned him) and Evasive (who warned me of backlash for 'censoring' and thinks I acted too harshly) agree to be held liable/responsible IF the imbecile does in fact try to sell shit from it or scam any of you.

I think that's more than fair. This way, everyone learns a valuable lesson, and if I'm wrong, which is fine, then justice is served and we can reflect on how Barman and Evasive saved the day.

However... if I'm right... which I really do hope I'm not... but if I am... the three of you are going to experience more public shame and humility than you ever thought possible.

To everyone else who has a problem with how I deal with shit here... I'm done with taking shit from anyone who has something to say to me or about me. And if you think I'm going to just keep it online and not go after you offline too, then your days of wishful thinking are over. So laugh on here, on your blogs, at your conferences, allllll you like... because your days of getting away with anything that has to do with me, are over.

Have a nice day. :)
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Oh and you should have added this to the end of your post. :D

You realize after a whole - and I mean a whole - fucking day of reconciling recurring billing statements to ensure we haven't missed a paying member, not mention a error-checking our email database, ...it's threads like this that give my life meaning.
Deroy's the guy who made that "$3000 CPA Dream" thread where he gave away an extremely useful excel document for rebill advertisers and he also made an awesome video where he was like:
"Look at these fucking formulas! Holy shit they're mind blowing!"

Who doesn't want to see another video from him?