I love it when Adwords users....

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New member
Mar 13, 2008
Ma's Basement
Lets Play a little game.

I love it when adwords users promote fake diet blogs via the content network, get banned, and now they are using authority sites and then switching out the landing page after the adwords bots come.

:angryfire: god damn homos

I hope you love that your secret is out.

Old news. Word from some users on the official Adsense forums is that the companies whose URLs were being falsely used have launched legal proceedings (either against Google, or to discover who is behind the affiliate ads). It's not hard for these companies to see their URLs on ads not belonging to them, and there can be some serious legal troubles down the road for those who have used this tactic.
It's pretty obvious by now that fake/inaccurate display URL is going to be the next thing Google will crack down on...I'm surprised they haven't been more stringent with display URL in the past.
I love it when fags come here and decide to out peoples' tactics. Regardless of if it is a known tactic or not. You come off as a hater.

Either join in the game or shut the fuck up.
I love it when fags come here and decide to out peoples' tactics. Regardless of if it is a known tactic or not. You come off as a hater.

Either join in the game or shut the fuck up.

When your gay ass "blogs" are ruining MY sites revenue, because you guys are running clothing and food keywords. I will out you every single day.

Lets start with site #1, although this site blocks your IP after you visit once. and it may not even let you goto it unless you click from Adsense.

recipesbybetty.com (otherwise known as, the site that google thinks is eating.health.com)
and also, can't you just add the domain to your adsense filter? How hard is that?

You're coming here preaching this shit and you're talking about pennies with your fucking little adsense ads. Why are you even on this forum? Go back to webmasterworld and cry about your stupid adsense ctr, this is not a place for you.
and also, can't you just add the domain to your adsense filter? How hard is that?

You're coming here preaching this shit and you're talking about pennies with your fucking little adsense ads. Why are you even on this forum? Go back to webmasterworld and cry about your stupid adsense ctr, this is not a place for you.

It makes $100 bucks a day, and I do NOTHING.

There are no affiliates for it. Adsense it my only choice.

I did add it to my filter, and I will keep outing every single one I see.
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