I just moved across the world (and by just I mean 3 weeks ago)

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By moving you mean immigrate or temp stay?

I will move to Hong Kong by the end of summer and there are tons of shit to do..contact google and all the affiliate about address and payment method change. Move my money and close out those account. looking for apartment there..

Lot of my cloth have no use there (because of weather) so i could go with my laptop and a suitcase

will you move back to Canada in the future?

the women supporting the husband? he must feel great!

yeah, i'm thinking of moving as well. that's the great thing about making money online, you can do it anywhere. born in ireland, i've a few places on the shortlist.

would love to go to somewhere in eastern europe, prague preferably BUT i would have to learn the language as the locals do not speak much english. on the plus side, beer and food is dirt cheap and the women are beaaaaautiful.

australia or even better new zealand is next on the list if i don't want to learn a language. i hear it's hard to get working visas for new zealand though
The West Coast (Perth) is where it's at Hookshot, be sure to hit me up if your ever over here. Congrat's on the move, i'm sure you will love Oz. I have several Canadian ey mates and they love it here. Just wish they would shut up with the ice hockey!!!
I'm definitely moving permanently... getting married next year, though we may move back to Canada in a few years if I get good at aff. marketing.

Emp, the trails campaign is going pretty well, thanks to you! I paused everything I had when I left, and actually haven't had any campaigns running since I got here just because I was too busy to deal with them, but in the next couple of days I'm going to bring them back online when I can do a proper analysis.

Ajay, will hit you up when I'm in the west. Ice hockey is awesome btw... though AFL is pretty good too!
Hey, occassionally I meet up with a couple of other affiliates when they are in Sydney, so if anyone wants to know when these meetups happen, drop me a PM.
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