I hear in americas internet market you?

I ordered a couple of coffee cups. How long does mail take from Dicktschland?

what ladies look for at americas

i most downloaded man in europe


ladies what do seek as erotic in a male?


I don't see any spoon.
This is probably the most hilarious and disturbing thread I've seen lately (not counting the "bad boobs" thread)

"so you cannot sex them" was the best line so far.
OK, I call bullshit on this.

No German has English that poor, or the lack of sense to get a friend to do some decent translation work if they do.

With that said, I doubt String Eml is going to get far in America on the basis that,as a brand, it's going to be seen as a knock off of I Kiss You or Borat.
Hello friend,

Imma let you finish but Sumit most bestest guy on wickedfire...until I join and he let me use his wife on lazy Sundays.

Good luck bro