I got a Kodak v570 camera with 2GB Sd card fs

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Affiliate Padawan
Jun 24, 2006
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Brand new, anyone want it before I put it up on ebay? Well actually I have 2 of them...

I'd like $375 plus shipping if you're interested

My GF might be interested in one... I'll let you know.

But as Jon asked... any pictures?
You want a manufacturer picture or you want me to take a pic of the box? I haven't even opened them

Standard stock pics.
The bottom 2 pics didnt load and the upper one is a bitsmall. Looked for a other pic which also showed some of the stats. nice camera, just dont have the money :P.
Jon said:
Haha you got caught for hotlinking the image..

Nah, having some server issues... programmer trying to fix stuff and ends up breaking something else
SiNJoy said:
The bottom 2 pics didnt load and the upper one is a bitsmall. Looked for a other pic which also showed some of the stats. nice camera, just dont have the money :P.
I see a hotlink protection image that tells me to read about the camera on their site.
Oh you guys were talking about Sinjoy's pic and not mine, still for sale if you guys are interested.

Camera has a nice wideangle feature, useful if you're a realtor or someone who needs wideangle on a frequent basis
I can knock off $50 if you don't want the 2GB SD card and I'll split shipping costs anywhere in the US.


insertnamehere said:
post actual pictures of the camera and a price you are looking at getting?

The price as stated originally is $375 with a 2GB SD card.

I posted pics of the cameras in the box... I've never opened them, they're new in the box
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