I Don't Want Her To Stay At My Place...


"My gf and I are going through couples counseling because we are trying to revitalize our sex life. Part of the program is having sex whenever and wherever we get a phone call with the code word in it. We don't want to make you uncomfortable while you're over."

This of course could be used as a good segway into a threesome as Bofu pointed out.

Whats the harm. Let her just stay. If she starts staying in frequently, you can tell her then. Now you are assuming a lot of things. I see no harm, if you GF is also OK.

is she pretty?

You know what - great answer. I AM assuming lots of stuff here - dammit. Good call.

Yeah my gf is cool with her staying over for a night or two. I'll let her stay the first time, and address the issue IF she assumes she's staying at mine every time she's in town.

You're totally right - no need to address issues that aren't real yet.

Oh and yeah, she's pretty - gets enough guy attention of her own.
Wait, you're not even fucking this other chick? Why the hell would you even consider letting her over then? I don't get it..
Not going to read all the replies, so maybe this has already been suggested. Tell her your GF will only approve she agrees to go down on her while you watch. When your friend gets mad at you, tell her you're just a pussy and don't have control of your home.
Damn, some of you socially retarded fucks must not have any friends. "JUST TELL THE CUNT TO GO FUCK HERSELF, YOU PUSSY!" Very classy on multiple levels.

How long have you known this chick, metoo? Is she one of those friends that have been around forever whether you like it or not?

It's cool of you to worry about everyone's feelings, but in the end you should go with your gut and do whatever is going to make you happiest.
yeh, i think honesty might actually work in this situation. Tell her it's cool if she wants to stay for a couple of days, but extended and frequent visits are a bit much. no need to lie or come up with some wild excuse. She'd be a shitty friend if she defriended you for being straight with her.
Damn, some of you socially retarded fucks must not have any friends. "JUST TELL THE CUNT TO GO FUCK HERSELF, YOU PUSSY!" Very classy on multiple levels.

How long have you known this chick, metoo? Is she one of those friends that have been around forever whether you like it or not?

It's cool of you to worry about everyone's feelings, but in the end you should go with your gut and do whatever is going to make you happiest.

Yeah, you got it in one man. She's a good friend of mine, known her for like 9 years, and we're just friends. But I've got this new place and it's like a place that me and my gf know as our own.

Friends are welcome, but I don't want anyone thinking they can stay whenever they want, that's all. And yeah it sounds like I'm being a pussy to some people, but when you're good friends with people, sometimes you don't wanna hurt them by acting like they're not welcome. It's not about being whipped - I'm actually looking out for her.

Cheers for your answers guys. I'm gonna let her come around and if it becomes a problem more often, she'll understand that we need our space in the house.

Thanks, appreciate it.
A few months ago, I got a new place which I live in with my gf.

Now, another female friend of mine wants to come and visit, and she's asked if she can stay over while she visits.

The thing is, I've known this girl for a while, and once she gets her foot in the door, I know she'll always assume she can stay at mine whenever she's in town. And I know my gf will feel a little put out by her being here, cos she kinda gets a little reserved when others are around (like she can't be herself - hard to explain over a typed message)

Also, I don't want my house to automatically be the place that she assumes she's staying in, whenever she's in town. I'd rather she got herself a place to stay so she's not automatically my responsibility when she's around. There are loads of nice cheap places nearby.

I don't wanna say my gf said she can't stay, cos I wanna keep the peace between them both.

Any suggestions???

Step 1: Find a way to make your nuts drop.
Step 2: Tell her you don't feel comfortable having another girl stay over
Step 3: If step 2 fails have a 3 some
At metoo:

Here's the secret to getting along with others, and enjoying your relationships over the long run. It is the "one thing":


Set expectations. Do it early. Stick to 'em.

Works with friends. Works with lovers. Works with kids. Works with dogs.

I've been doing it a long time. It works wonders.
Just tell her how it is. If you lie and she ever finds out, you're fucked.

Well, to be honest, if you did this right from the start and just told her how it is you wouldn't be fucked either way. If she wants to stay the price of admission is a mandatory threesome. Manda-fucking-tory.

And that's mandatory in a rebill way where if she ever stays it's required.

haha bofu delivers. Threesome rebill :D