I Don't Want Her To Stay At My Place...


New member
Mar 7, 2008
A few months ago, I got a new place which I live in with my gf.

Now, another female friend of mine wants to come and visit, and she's asked if she can stay over while she visits.

The thing is, I've known this girl for a while, and once she gets her foot in the door, I know she'll always assume she can stay at mine whenever she's in town. And I know my gf will feel a little put out by her being here, cos she kinda gets a little reserved when others are around (like she can't be herself - hard to explain over a typed message)

Also, I don't want my house to automatically be the place that she assumes she's staying in, whenever she's in town. I'd rather she got herself a place to stay so she's not automatically my responsibility when she's around. There are loads of nice cheap places nearby.

I don't wanna say my gf said she can't stay, cos I wanna keep the peace between them both.

Any suggestions???

Holy shit, does this look like dear fucking Abby?

Isn't there an "Advice For Weenies" forum somewhere you guys can ask this shit?


Wow, I never expected that answer here on WF(!) Ok, yeah, I know - bring on the dickrolls etc!

I should have added - "actual answers appreciated" at the end of the OP...
Wow, I never expected that answer here on WF(!) Ok, yeah, I know - bring on the dickrolls etc!

I should have added - "actual answers appreciated" at the end of the OP...

I have to agree... why don't you find a forum that is based on assholes cheating on their live-in girlfriends to giive u advice

man up
there's your advice.
now leave
I have to agree... why don't you find a forum that is based on assholes cheating on their live-in girlfriends...

Wow - no more reading inbetween the lines. The girl coming to stay is a friend. A literal friend. Never been there. Never going there.

I just don't want her using my place as HQ everytime she's in town.
if you pick your traffic sources/leads like you pick who stays at your house then you're probably about to head off to your 9-5 i'm guessing... just man up and tell her she's your friend.. otherwise there's no trust and then why would u want to be with her anyways...

man up
Wow - no more reading inbetween the lines. The girl coming to stay is a friend. A literal friend. Never been there. Never going there.

I just don't want her using my place as HQ everytime she's in town.

So you're being pussy-whipped by someone you're not even fucking?

It's simple:

"Sorry, it's not convenient to stay at my place."

If you want to be nice, you could suggest an alternative for her.
Say you live next door to your land lords and they watch every one who comes through like a hawk. You'd love her to stay with you but if she does it would be a violation of your lease and you'll get kicked out.

Problem solved. You can thank me by giving me your most profitable niche.
Say you live next door to your land lords and they watch every one who comes through like a hawk. You'd love her to stay with you but if she does it would be a violation of your lease and you'll get kicked out.

Problem solved. You can thank me by giving me your most profitable niche.

It's a nice story, but I disagree with this approach. It's getting yourself into the habit of bullshit excuses.

The sooner OP grows some balls and just tells people the truth straight up, the easier time he will have in future.

Plus all women have a gestapo-like ability to fish out inconsistencies. If OP slips up 3 years later and mentions his landlord lives across town, she'll be on it ugly on an ape.
You can thank me by giving me your most profitable niche.

fresh mini donuts

So you're being pussy-whipped by someone you're not even fucking?

It's simple:

"Sorry, it's not convenient to stay at my place."

If you want to be nice, you could suggest an alternative for her.

This doesn't boil down to fucking. I already get what I want elsewhere. This visitor chick holds no value for me when it comes to fucking.

But ok, thanks for the real tips. I'm gonna be straight with her, just wanted to know if anyone here had some experience with a similar situation.

Say you live next door to your land lords and they watch every one who comes through like a hawk. You'd love her to stay with you but if she does it would be a violation of your lease and you'll get kicked out.

Problem solved. You can thank me by giving me your most profitable niche.

this or if she's really your friend you could explain to her the situation. Say something like "I had a chat with bizousoft and I think you could stay over this time, but unfortunately I can't do this every time because my girl [insert long winded explanation]", if she's a friend she'll understand

in terms of not being herself when strangers are around, is avoiding contact with the stranger the best approach?
Just tell her how it is. If you lie and she ever finds out, you're fucked.

Well, to be honest, if you did this right from the start and just told her how it is you wouldn't be fucked either way. If she wants to stay the price of admission is a mandatory threesome. Manda-fucking-tory.

And that's mandatory in a rebill way where if she ever stays it's required.
Whats the harm. Let her just stay. If she starts staying in frequently, you can tell her then. Now you are assuming a lot of things. I see no harm, if you GF is also OK.

is she pretty?